[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmQ0MTYxOC5SMmxrWlc5dUlFSnNiM056WlhJLC4w/homoarakhn.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][b][color=9e0b0f]Location:[/color] Running through the streets, commencing battle with Jack Silvermane[/b][/center] [hr] There were too many factors that made Gideon’s ability to keep away from his pursuers more and more difficult. 1) Brazil was hot and running generated a lot of heat; 2) he was wearing a hoodie in a tropical climate, which might have contributed to him looking suspicious because…who really does that? 3) His chibi’s stomach was maxed out and running was the worst feeling ever. Little Gideon had sweat rolling from his hairline and dripping off his chin. The salty perspiration tried to burn his eyes and he kept them closed in his lethargic run. His stomach was churning, causing his face to pale with nausea. He was forced to stop at the end of the alley and staggered over to a wall that he pressed his hands flatly against, his to-go box dangling from his wrist. Little Gideon hung his head, mouth agape as he panted to not only catch his breath but to swallow some air to keep his food down. [color=CA2C27][i]I can’t run anymore…I’m going to throw up. It’s over. I’m going to be washing dishes until my hands fall off![/i][/color] Little Gideon thought. Jack slowed from his sprint as he glared at the fat kid. He didn’t look like he had anymore gas left to run. Smirking, Jack offered, [color=gray][b]“Look, how about I do us both a favor and get the old man off our backs?”[/b][/color] As Papa caught up to them, waving his machete around angrily, Jack assumed a sideways stance and executed a single, side-skip toward the man before he rested his weight on his left foot. His right foot rose, tucking in before it shot out like a spring. His combat boot met with Papa’s stomach and the Brazilian man folded like paper against it. A gasp of blood and spittle left Papa’s mouth before the force of the kick sent him flying a few feet back to land upon the ground on his back. Little Gideon stared in shock at what Jack had done, watching the man slowly lower his leg and expel a concentrated breath on pursed lips. Jack glanced over at the kid and said simply, [color=gray][b]“There, all of our problems are solved.”[/b][/color] Little Gideon pushed off the wall to hurriedly race over to Papa when Jack snagged him by the back of his hood and yanked him back. His other hand snagged the to-go box that was hanging from Little Gideon’s wrists. [color=gray][b]“Well, not all our problems. I’m starving and your thieving bullshit cost me a meal. You owe me one kid!”[/b][/color] Little Gideon whirled and grasped the box greedily. [color=CA2C27][b]“I don’t owe you shit! How does it make you feel to have the strength to defeat an old man?”[/b][/color] Jack’s eyes gleamed with anger. [color=gray][b]“That's quite a nasty mouth you have shrimp. You and I both know that that guy was no normal grandpa, so how about you shut your fat mouth kid before I break it!”[/b][/color] Jack pressed his foot against Little Gideon’s belly and pulled back on the to-go box until he managed to wrench it from his fingers. Little Gideon plopped back on his bottom, and angrily stared up at Jack like an affronted dog. [color=gray][b]“Thanks, kid”[/b][/color] Jack said with a nod and smirk before he turned to head on his way. Little Gideon rose to his feet and rushed over to Papa to check on the man. Dropping to his knees next to him, he rested his fingers on his neck to make sure he still had a pulse and then lowered his cheek to his mouth and nose area. While he felt his breath on his cheek, he watched his chest rise and fall and was relieved to learn that he was okay. [color=CA2C27][b]“You’re a tough old man,”[/b][/color] Little Gideon complimented. He inspected the man’s stomach and frowned a little at the bruise that was forming where Jack had struck him. If he didn’t get immediate attention, then Papa’s condition could become worse. He might had even faced some internal damage. Baring his teeth, Little Gideon bowed his head and growled, [color=CA2C27][b]“This would have never happened, if I hadn’t come to your shop, and if I hadn’t lied. I will avenge you.”[/b][/color] Little Gideon rose to his feet. [color=CA2C27][b]“But first, I’m going to get you some help.”[/b][/color] [hr] Jack was munching on a pasteis as he walked through the back streets of Rio. He didn’t care if he never found Adam in Brazil. Brazil was a vacation, and it was nice being able to leave The Agency every once in a while. He communicated to his handler between bites, [color=gray][b]“No sign of target.”[/b][/color] The fighter suddenly stopped as he felt goosebumps spread across his arms. He felt a strong ki appearing strangely what felt like from nowhere, and it was close. [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmZhMjgxOS5RMjl0WlhRZ1UzUnlhV3RsSVEsLC4wAAAA/firestarter.regular.png[/img] Jack immediately whirled and tilted his head to the left, dodging a flaming foot that passed over his right shoulder. The burning ki singed his ear, neck, and shoulders but mysteriously, the fighter was unharmed. The leg passed over his shoulder until his assailant’s crotch slammed into his face. With a disgusted and humiliated cry, Jack was forced to collapse to the ground as his ambusher’s foot made contact with the brick-laden street. The earth under the attacker’s foot exploded. The aftershock violently expanded in a ring that slammed into the walls of the nearby homes and businesses, shattering the windows, and setting off car alarms. Smoke rose in an obscuring tower from a three meter in diameter crater. Standing three meters deep in it was a man wearing a white hoodie with the hood drawn up over his head. Black, charcoal-colored cargo pants rode down his long legs to a pair of dark sneakers as he peered down at the stunned man beneath him. Jack’s eyes were wide in shock as he stared up the long legs to the shadowed face of what could only be…he gasped in surprise, [color=gray][b]“A-Adam! I found him!”[/b][/color] He stared at the man’s oddly gleaming eyes. Those eyes…yes, it was him. He glanced at the crater he was laying in and could only imagine what would have happened if that kick had actually managed to hit him. As he laid there, feeling like prey beneath the claws of a tiger, he wondered what the abomination was going to do. Was he going to finish him off? He instead heard…snickering. A long, guttural snicker left Gideon as an amused smile stretched across his face. He bent over a little, trying to hold back his laughter with his hand. Tears glinted in his eyes, and soon he couldn’t resist anymore. Dropping his hand, he rested it on his knee as he near folded over with laughter. [color=CA2C27][b]“I-I am so sorry,”[/b][/color] Gideon laughed. [color=CA2C27][b]“My dick totally hit you in the face HA HA HA HA!”[/b][/color] Jack stared at the laughing weapon…this was Adam? This…immature fucking idiot? He blushed in embarrassment, his silver brows twitching with a growing rage. The guy’s laughter was annoying. [color=gray][b]“I hope you don’t want this idiot alive?”[/b][/color] Jack asked his handler. [color=gray][b]“Because I’m gonna kill him!”[/b][/color] Gideon managed to leap out of the crater and weakly stagger away. He couldn’t overcome his laughing fit. [color=CA2C27][b]“Ha, ha, I said I was sorry!”[/b][/color] Jack twisted over onto his stomach in the crater and managed to stand. [color=gray][b]“You think I care whether you’re sorry or not!”[/b][/color] Gideon turned around to face Jack with a big grin shining from beneath his hood. [color=CA2C27][b]“No need to get mad. It’s not like anyone else saw. It’ll be just our little secret.”[/b][/color] Jack hopped out of the crater and sank into a stance. His right foot was forward and left back, his knees slightly bent. His right fist was more forward than his left, and his left arm was bent 90 degrees. [color=gray][b]“As much as I think you’re nothing but a joke, I’ve been told not to underestimate you. Fight me Adam, I’ll show you how far Daedalus has come without you.”[/b][/color] Gideon rolled his shoulders and nonchalantly taunted, [color=CA2C27][b]“Man, you guys just keep saying the same thing.”[/b][/color] He then beckoned the agent toward him with a wave of his hand. [color=CA2C27][b]“Let’s get this over with.”[/b][/color] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmYwNDJlYy5WbVZzZG1WMC4x/kinkie.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI0LmYwNDJlYy5SbWx5YzNRZ1RXRjBZMmcsLjEA/kg-falling-slowly.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=gray][i]Мы нашли его.[/i][/color] Velvet rose out of her turn to stand before Brooklyn as she held up her green, glowing dino guard or whatever it was. She regarded the woman from behind her mask and rested a hand on her (Velvet's) rounded hip. Her work here was done. [color=ec008c][b]“Hmph,”[/b][/color] was all Velvet muttered before she turned and started walking away from the fighter. She brushed some sweat from her brow and muttered, [color=ec008c][b]“Oawh, it is too hot. You win, девушка. I have more important t'inks to do.”[/b][/color] The Russian winked at Brooklyn and puckered her lips to blow the girl a cherry kiss before she quickly and unenthusiastically left the stage, leaving her growing fan base with only a jumbotron visual of her sweaty breasts jostling around as she ran. The forfeit hadn’t been anything anyone had predicted, and it left several judges and audience members a little irritated, [i]frustrated[/i], and confused. [@Mr Allen J]