[b][i]The world of Lost Empires is very similar to our own. But the key differences come within the history.[/i][/b] [img]https://images6.alphacoders.com/479/479423.jpg[/img] [hider=Origins] The dark ages are notoriously difficult to record in history and a lot of this was largely due to the mythic war. Powerful magic and creatures from other realms entered the world we lived in and were wielded by Arcane Battle Mages, in a bid to become literal gods on a mostly mortal plane. But the wars these mages had threatened to tear the world apart, so one brave alchemist risked his life to end it all. By creating a condiut stone which would suck the magic energy out of the world around him, leaving the mages powerless and the mythic energies to leave the creatures and return the world to its mundane mortal state. This alchemist succeeded in his plan, but angered many who were invested in an Arcane ruling over the world, so he was killed, and his Conduit stone was studied for years and years on end, but nobdoy knew how to re-release the magic it drained from the world. As centuries passed the stone and the alchemist and even the mages became forgotten by time, and their amazing battles became fairy tales and old legends. In the 1900s hobbyists began to create collectable cards which detailed the magic, creatures and weapons used in the mythic wars and named them 'Mythic Legends: Battle!' They became an instant hit, with young adults all over the world becoming obsessed by the game. But the conduit stone still existed, and now someone was able to understand its properties, the power of the battle mages would be real once more..... [img]https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-rggVNSqm4Rg/VzRVmzhdjiI/AAAAAAAAK1U/rUTpuP396vUatfII1060ShWTCBFGkPsggCLcB/s1600/4f6c8e32c06f95720b171f2f7ab9bc47_original.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][u][h3]Lost Empires Overview I: The Card Game[/h3][/u][/b] In Lost Empires you will play as an indidual with access to the conduit-stone's power which allows you to summon the real world magic used by the battle mages in the times of the Mythic Wars. The creatures and weapons used by the mages are reprsented by the Mythic Legends trading cards. They are in very limited supply in the modern time and you will only have access to a small number at the beginning of your journey. The battle system is very similar to that of the [b]Lost Kingdoms[/b] franchise, if youve played that somehwat rare game you will know the basics, but dont worry if you havent as the exact rules of how it will be adapted to this RP will be fully explained here. The objective of a duel is to use the cards in your deck to fight your opponent until they become defenseless and have to submit. You will actively be on the battlefield summoning monsters and wielding weapons as if it were live combat. Your access to the conduit gives you the abilites of a battle mage. So when in a Mythic Duel you will be able to do things you couldnt in the real world, physically. [b][u][h3]Lost Empires Overview II: The Card Types and Elements[/h3][/u][/b] There are 4 different types of cards in Mythic Legends and each card can only be used once per battle. You will start off with a Deck of 15 cards, and your deck may hold a maximum of 25 cards, with no card replicas more than x3 with some even less. The 4 types of cards are as follows. [hider=Types] [color=8dc73f][b]Weapon Cards:[/b][/color] These are the most common of all card types, these represent the weapons used by the mages in the war. A card will allow you to summon the weapon on the card and weild it just as a battle mage would to attack your enemy or your enemies companion creatures. Please note that [b]every weapon card is single use[/b] weather it be a bow and arrow or an iron lance. Once your attack has been made the card will be used up and discarded for the rest of the battle. So its important to make your attacks count. If your weapon is a defensive item such as a buckler or a shield, it will be discarded only after successfully blocking an attack, but depending on the strength of weapons in question you may still take some damage. [color=0072bc][b]Support Cards[/b][/color] These are the second most common types of cards. These are creatures who will be summoned to give you support during the battle. Some of these will be simple 'fighting companions' who will attack the enemy with you as a sentry or they may come along to cast an 'effect' that could power you up or cause trouble for the opponent. All support creatures have varying degress of toughness, and a time limit to how long they can be on the battlefield before being discarded. Thier time limit will speed up as they take damage and the amount it speeds up depends on thier toughness. This will be noted with the card. [color=f26522][b]Summon Cards[/b][/color] These cards are quite rare, and not every deck will have one of these. The Summon cards are single use creatures of great power who arrive to do one very powerful attack before dissapearing and being discarded. These attacks usually have a fairly large area of attack and can very easily change the tide of a battle. They have a small downside though, a 'cool down' effect, where they have to wait a couple seconds before using cards again. The cool down depends on how powerful the attack was. [color=662d91][b]Transform Cards[/b][/color] These are the rarest of all card types, they are very powerful as they allow you to transform into the creature on the card for an amount of time. While you are transformed you can attack and move at will, but much like a support card as you attack and you are attacked the time you can stay transformed is diminished. A downside of this powerful card is that you will still take (reduced) damage as a human player while the transform creature itself is diminished. Use wisely. [/hider] [hider=Elements] As well as the function type of the card, each card also has a [b]Planetery Element[/b] This simply decides which planet you card has alignment to and what advantages or disadvantages it has over other elements. Here is the guide: Mars> Venus Venus> Earth Earth> Neptune Neptune> Mars Taking this into account, some cards may be more effective or resistant against others. [/hider] [b][u][h3]Lost Empires Overview III: Victory and Defeat[/h3][/u][/b] A game of Mythic Legends is not to be taken lightly, each game, even friendly exhibition rounds come with a price. Both players must wager something before every battle or the cards wont activate, as to reflect the risky nature of the wars that the mages had in in ancient times. The most common is card wager, the winner wins the card that the loser wages. Depending on the rarity of the card, this could be dissapointing or devastating. There are other important things that can be wagered, but that will be revealed later in the RP In a Duel, both players start with 100% hitpoints, as they inflict damage on each other the percentage will go down. Only attacks made directly against the other player (including as a transformed creature) will effect hitpoints unless an effect states otherwise. The character who hits 0% first is the loser. A player can also forfiet the match. Another way to lose is to simply run out of useable cards in a match. So you must use your limited supply wisely. [b][u][h3]Lost Empires Overview IV: Mythic Rings and BattleMage Profiles[/h3][/u][/b] Not everyone in the world can duel, and those who can are only able to duel with others who have the ability. So no one can use their cards on an average person, the conduit stone was built with these safeguards in place. Mythic rings are the equipment which allow people to duel, each ring has a small piece of the conduit stone inside it, and also holds the spirit of an ancient battle mage from the mythic wars. The mythic rings are not easy to obtain, there are only about 100 or of them in the world, they cannot be destoryed, and they cannot be stolen, the only way to obtain one is to win one wagered in a duel (which you would need a mythic ring in the first place to duel) or to be given one with the original owner verbally handing it over to you. Battlemage profiles give you a passive boost to your abilites in battle depending on whose spirit youve inherited in your ring. The effects are usually minor, such as a climbing ability or added accuracy with projectiles, but you will gain more effects as you win duels. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ [u][b][color=0072bc]If any of this looks interesting and you'd like to get involved please let me know and I'll put you forward for a practice card Battle, there are 4 decks to choose from.[/color][/b][/u] [u][b]Character Sheet[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Nationality:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Interest In Trading Card Games:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Ring:[/b] (choose a colour) [b]Deck:[/b] [b]Ranking:[/b] F