A Schäferkin fortress, alloyed steel armour plating several metres thick in the thinnest of places, massively potent energy production and drives, massive arrays of laser lance arrays ranging between capable of cutting lesser vessels apart with ease to scores of lesser guns covering the flight space in a literal light show making enemy fighter assaults a very dangerous prospect, the arrays covering almost the entirety of the five kilometer diameter vessel. It sailed through space more like a astronomical phenomena than a regular space ship. In the main viewport on the bridge, the beautiful garden world of Aurolia could be seen. -"Prime, we have reached Federation space. The communications are open, you are free to speak!" The battle-born bridge operator sitting next to Raghis II said to him. Raghis the second, Alpha Prime of the Schäferkin species and master of Joord. Herder-born, with the usual brown and black colouring, but with a slightly lanker face betraying the genetics of his Battle-born mother. He took a few heavy steps, his finely crafted power armour form fitted to the extreme covering all of his body except the front of his face and the underside of his tail, his footfalls slamming heavily upon the steel floor as he snatched the microphone. Booming over all networks, overriding several civilian broadcasting networks with both video and audio. Making Raghis II the face the entire federation listened to for the momet in a sense. -"Denizens of the Federation of Aurolia, this is Raghis the second, Prime Alpha of the Schäferkin. Hand over the Tak'a'dis aggressors. And we will be reasonable!" Raghis II's voice boomed over the networks, he spoke with absolute force and confidence. Every year this had occurred, every year the federation responded in usually the same manner, once the Schäferkin Warlord made his very presence known to the entire federation, a fleet of two dozen vessels made their approach towards the fortress. At the center of the fleet was the Resolute Heavy Cruiser Liberty's Shield, commanded by Admiral Iosia Kinsa, for nearly a decade, she had to be the one to annually face off with the Schäferkin, every single year, it had slowly grown tedious to her. The Admiral sat upon her command chair as the fortress came into visual view, it's sheer scale still awe inspiring, not quite as large as the Dreadnought Aurolia, but still impressive nonetheless. She observed her subordinates as they went about their business, flanking to her left was a janari male by the name of Yad Karu, her second-in-command. "Orders, ma'am?" he asked. "I want the fleet to maintain defensive positions. Open channels with the fortress." She ordered. "Channels open, ma'am." A crewmen spoke up. With that, the Admiral took a deep breath as she once again played this game with the Schäferkin. "This is Admiral Kinsa of the 12th Defense fleet. As said repeatedly, Prime Alpha, the Tak'a'dis within our borders are now citizens of the Federation, any harm done to said citizen is not a wise action. What was done to your people is terrible, however, these tak'a'dis will be under our care by any means. "Iosia paused for a moment as she sighed. "We've been over this a hundred years...I think it's time to move on from your grudges." In that instant, the Admiral made a hand motion with her XO, the Janari nodded to her as he ordered all channels be cut. Once communication was cut, Iosia slouched, slowly sliding off her chair. "Uhgh..." she moaned. For a hundred years years this charade has been going on, as a fact, this was the 100th anniversary. Some even held parties and had anticipated the speech of the great Raghis II. Even though some were disappointed. After all, they expected him to be taller, and be clad in gold. -"Alpha Prime, they seem to have cut communications. Should i reopen them?" The bridge operator asked, getting a gruff and a nod from Raghis II. As the communications went back up, Raghis actually smirked before speaking. -"What's the matter admiral? Don't you appreciate traditions?" He said with relaxed ears, a slight slow tail wag and with a prominent grin. The grin something the Schäferkin picked up from other species. Making sure to not make it look like a snarl. -"You don't think i was expecting you to hand them over? You feds are far too stubborn for that. No, i am here to deliver the good news." Raghis II straightened his posture and pointed to the screen. -"Citizens of the Federation, even the Tak'a'dis. For one hundred years the Federation and the Schäferkin avoided war, through efforts of diplomacy, science and trade. We have avoided all out war and therefore helped keep the peace of Jalaryias. As a show of good faith and hopefully a hundred more years of understanding. We wish to celebrate the occasion!" As Raghis II spoke several people upon the bridges of Federation ships, at homes and not the very least the Tak'a'dis whom were watching the annual claim of their freedom, gasped in confusion and surprise. This was completely out of the ordinary. The Schäferkin were known to be brutal and warlike, impossibly gruff in their attitude and never accepting no for an answer unless it gained them in another way. -"So we have prepared our most prominent beauty born artists, to hold the celebrations at your capitol. If we may." Raghis II kept going, as he snapped his clawed power armoured fingers the screen changed to a frigate nearby with a picture in picture display of a white and black herder-born pilot. Whom spoke with a highly optimistic tone. -"So feds, i request permission to enter you space. I've got some cargo who is itching to meet you!" In the background, some beauty-born were seen, those who knew them recognized them as the impossibly popular pop-band "Beauty power!" whom waved, made hearts and kissing motions to the camera while filling the transmission with silly love wishes. The camera changed back to Raghis II, whom were now holding a party blower sideways in his mouth. Blowing it which made a pathetic sound since Schäferkin don't really have lips like other species before he grinned once more. -"I also hope to meet president Juk, it's only proper we meet in person." Raghis II spoke calmly. The Admiral and staff simply were dumbfounded by what they heard and were seeing, this was highly uncharacteristic, and just down right odd, but at the same time, progress was at last made after a hundred years of annual stand-offs at the border. Iosia's XO shook his head as he turned his attention towards the Admiral. "Uh, ma'am, orders?" The Admiral was silent for a moment, forcing her second to once again inquire. "Oh thank the GODS!" she exclaimed joyously, much to the sudden surprise of her crew, and in that moment, an awkward silence fell in the bridge, Iosia scanning the room as all eyes were glued to her, were she human, her hard cheeks were be burning red by now. "Ahem." she cleared her throat, embarrassed for herself. "Uhh, Let them pass." She meekly ordered. With the ok passed along, the frigate began its travel towards Aurolia. So did the fortress, albeit at a much slower pace and with the weapon systems clearly offline and under escort. Upon its bridge Raghis II sat down at the command throne and was ears high but calm, he was actually excited. -"I don't think the feds saw that one coming." He exclaimed for himself and made a chuckle, the entire bridge crew joining in on their Alphas mood. The bar was set high for a peaceful future, normally during these talks the Prima Alpha makes statements and demands for around an hour, before finally standing down and returning towards Joord space. But Raghis II felt the old ways were losing its importance, that the Tak'a'dis had finally been defeated and it was time to move on. This was actually his first annual claim, it being the 100th was merely coincidence. The old Alpha Prime, Kalra the Defender-born, had been a strong spokesperson in the subject of Tak'a'dis persecution. She had repositioned the second fortress from Tenoheotl orbit and brought it home to begin a massive witch hunt. Along with starting off the building a new fortress, a super fortress even. Shortly after she had held the 99th annual claim, she suffered a violent sickness and died two months later. Some expected foul play but most of the evidence pointed to that the 64 year old woman had her share of illnesses and problems. That she had managed to hold the title of Alpha at even such an old age spoke a lot of her ferocious personality, and during the 95th claim, war had almost broken out with the federation. Raghis II had won the ensuing battle between the other Silver-Alphas, and won. It had been a massive following in the media, the masses had roared when he fought Kyres the Battle-born. That was intense, he swore the fight lasted for an hour, even though official time records claim 23 minutes. With roughly 5 consisting of taunts. The mental prominence tests had almost been won by Tiffa, the Beauty-Born. But he had managed to outwit and out-charm her with the force of his personality. He realized he was reminiscing, good times he thought. While he knew that most of the civilian population on Joord would be pleased to learn the aggressions were coming to an end, he also knew that there were some who would not appreciate such a shift. Let's hope they are not to stubborn he thought.