Rolecall for the Lackies!!!! [@Pathfinder] I understand that you've just gotten over a sickness but now that it's gone I do expect a post for Eisen relatively soon. [@EnterTheHero] We haven't heard from you in a month even though you've been online. Not posting anywhere else, but online. If I don't here from you soon then you will be dropped. [@HaltingBlooper] You've been active ooc but it's been well over a month since you've posted IC. I expect some form of a post soon or I will have to drop you. [@Spinna] I love you dear Spinna but I'm the bad cop for a reason. You have yet to post IC and have only been making excuses, sometimes good and sometimes bad. I want a post up this week or I will give up on you. [@BrassOtter] I understand life has been riding your ass but I'm either going to need an update on that or a post. Soon. [@pyroman] And you're the one that pisses me off the most. Not only have you not posted here in ages, but you've been plenty busy elsewhere. I even sent you a mention around a week ago and got no response. Additionally, unless you just left, you are currently online. I want a really damn good excuse, TODAY, or you will be dropped bigger than all hell. [@Raijinslayer]You're fine, I just want to know what the fuck happened to poor Reggie. Didn't a wall collapse on him or something like that?