[quote=@SgtEasy] WIP, I'm around halfway through. Just posting it to make sure that I'm on the right track XD [hider=(Insert your character's name here) Relationship Sheet] [center][color=556B2F][b]╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗[/b][/color][/center] [center][url=http://fontmeme.com/fonts/english-towne-font/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170218/39a1252ae3053e4750f584fecff5ec89.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=556B2F][b]╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝[/b][/color][/center] [center][b][i][color=olive]"I feel a headache coming."[/color][/i][/b][/center] [center]| [color=yellow]☀[/color] Friends | [color=FF00FF]✌[/color] Neutral | [color=brown]☕[/color] Who? | [color=gray]☠[/color] Not fond of | [color=00FA9A]⚜[/color] Acquaintances | [color=00BFFF]✸[/color] Best friends | [color=pink]❤[/color] Love interest | [color=red]❧[/color] Dating |[/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Jake Anderson || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]A seemingly capable soldier in his own right and even better leader[/i] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]'Led us through hell and back in that damn first mission. Pretty good I suppose, for a typical Alliance medal poser. Seems like the model soldier, unlike Aegon, a real Council Specter. Reminds me when my old Taskmaster obeyed orders from HQ left, right and centre, incredibly vanilla. Stands out from the rabble as one of the few reasonable people of the team, someone I can actually trust as a leader. He's a bit soft, needs to toughen up a bit and get real about this bloody world but every team needs a paragon. A little broken but everyone in this damn team is insane, including me.'[/i][/center] [center][color=olivedrab][h3]|| Aegon Partinax || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]Reminds me of my Taskmaster, hard-asses, the lot of them. Ruthless but efficient enough to make good leaders.[/i] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]'Ahhhh, Partinax. Interesting fellow, this Turian is. Definite military-type and his experience just translates into how he fights and breathes. Feel like he's a bit of a rebel this one, probably why the Council has a fuckin' leash on him. Would definitely follow him into battle though, he could probably keep up with me in simple skill at my best. Seems cold-blooded, more of a cynic than Anderson, nostalgic to me but I don't like being used as a tool. Not any more at least. Good fencer too, have to try duelling him with a vívátz, show him how our fighting styles clash. Bloody Turians probably fight as much on their ships as we did in our cages.'[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Ravanor Rykarn || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]Ha! This Krogan can kill things in style. Then again, all of us could.[/i] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]'Rykarn? He's interesting to say the least. I appreciate his level-headed thinking but he should follow orders more. Bit of a loose cannon but all Krogan are, no matter how old they get. He's a quick thinker, this one. Took down Vella when she almost harmed Phalanx, no hesitation. I'll need to talk to him more, we seem to be the few people who are at least a little sane. Wiser than most Krogan but can still be irritated. I'm neutral on him so far, I'd like to get to know him better though.'[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Vella Calixten Ophelia || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]Insubordinate. Childish. Mentally insane. Can't help but feel a little liking to her.[/i] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]'Reminds me of my sister. Yeah, the Asari one. I had to pause when I looked at her, she is like an exact replica. A little more childish but all Asari are when they're young like her. She's annoying and one of the most insane people I've ever met, though Ellis takes the cake on that one. Can't help but like her though, reminds me too much of Siarus. Seems like a bit of a social butterfly and she seems like a laugh outside of missions. Just wish that she stops acting so stupid sometimes.'[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Ellis Taevon ||[/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]Tin Can the Crazy Man, potentially useful but also potentially dangerous[/i] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]'The team's full of freaks but this guy? Takes the cake and runs with it, probably stuffs it down his pants too. I've seen nutters before in all types of war zones, both fought with them and against them. Sometimes even betray them. PTSD, crippling depression, multiple personalities, schizophrenia, the whole mental spectrum has ended up in my lap before. I've never come across someone have all of that and then some. He's dangerous but he is one hell of a fighter, tankier than the Krogan and more augmented than Commander Shepard is. Basically a suit of metal and a wall of guns. Feel bad for him, honestly. Can't live a normal life, no matter how hard he'll try'[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Rayes'Xum Nar Yaron || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]Rayes? Isn't he twins with Rol?[/i] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]'Ah, Rayes. Didn't interact with him much, comes off as a little arrogant. Quarian, a bit of a techie and lives in a suit, fits all the stereotypes as far as I'm concerned. Doesn't seem like much of a fighter but he can damn well use technology better than most of the people in Katabasis. Incredibly intelligent, I can discern that much. Hope to talk to him more about how he hacked that terminal so damn quick. Knowledge like that could become useful if I ever had to go alone.'[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Phalanx || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen]☀[/color] [i]It's a nice one, this AI. Childish but not in a bad way like Vella.[/i] [color=yellowgreen]☀[/color] [i]'I couldn't help but attach myself to Phalanx, it's adorable in a robotic, inorganic way. It's childlike curiosity and wanderlust almost masks the fact that it's a 7ft tall robot who could break my spine like it was a twig. I feel almost like a father whenever I need to correct it and it's sniping skills are outstanding. Could trust it in battle more than most of the others in the group, held it's own well in the first mission. Need to spend more time with it, maybe even teach it the ways of Athame. Heard that it was interested in learning different organic cultures and ways of life. The sentient robot has a long way to go but I'd love to help it along the way.'[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Rol'Naaris vas Vaepal || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]Another infiltrator, a man similar to myself in that respect[/i] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]'Had little interaction with Rol in the first mission, didn't have much of an opinion on him. Saw him like any other Quarian, and being honest here, I almost couldn't tell him and Rayes apart. Don't tell him. He's military though, a soldier like me and I can respect that quality. The beaten up armour tells an interesting story, one that I hope he'll tell in the future. Seems a little reserved and over analytical, like most normal Quarians, but makes up for that in his combat proficiency. His strictly military attitude is refreshing.'[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Tiberius Adarian || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]He is a very, [b]very[/b] tall Turian. Athame stretched his spirit a little too much in the creation of his spirit.[/i] [color=yellowgreen]✌[/color] [i]'Damn strong and capable, a biotic with some damn good skill. Neutral on him, considering the fact that 8 feet tall, he didn't talk much. To me at least. Heard he was a Cabal, special operations type. Used to have rivals in the Hegemony Blackwatch, would be good to start another friendly rivalry with a team member. Seems headstrong but diplomatic, some sorta weird mix between Anderson and Partinax. Can respect that. His height is his most prominent feature though, would be intimidating to fight against.'[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Raik Skarr || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=yellowgreen] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Sicaria Velinian || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=yellowgreen] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Gilvert Somner || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=yellowgreen] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Salissa Fortia || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=yellowgreen] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Alria Vicrinus || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=yellowgreen] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/i][/center] [center][color=Olivedrab][h3]|| Ethan Sartiel || [/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=yellowgreen] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/i][/center] [/hider] [/quote] ooo quite nice so far :D Naaw at Phalanx's section