"Chief?! Chief! I'm currently engaged with a group of those mobile suits! And whatever the other guys said about them, it's frickin' true! I don't know what kind of shields they have, but I-[i]BLAM![/i]-can't-[i]BLAM![/i]-pierce them!-[i]BLAM![/i]" Beam weapons were the cream of the crop, the weapon most suited for the destruction of damn near anything known to the Federation or to Zeon. Great, cohesive beams of megaparticles could even cut through ship armor if focused properly, even from a mobile suit, and mobile armors were probably the most lethal maneuvering units of all due to their sheer firepower. But this? This was madness. The froglike suits were moving with a speed that was hitherto unknown to her. Even the Full Armor Gundam, up to its core block in high-speed booster packs and attitude thrusters, could never hope to compete with the fluid, almost animal-like movements of the mobile suits before her. A couple of her beam rifle's shots struck but they did no damage at all, instead reflecting off the olive drab skin of the MS and scattering as their confinement fields broke. Each one erupted in a yellow blast from her beam rifle's muzzle, which was slowly starting to heat up as she dumped shot after shot, leaping from wreckage to wreckage in any attempt to break her pursuers. The enemy knew no mercy though, and with their axes and other melee weapons in hand, they rushed at her lone Gundam with a fervor she could barely understand. The first one to close in heaved with its cleaver and barely missed her beam rifle, Kanoko dropping it to her holding rack before grabbing onto the extended arm and yanking it forward with as much might as she could muster. "C'MERE! Let me show you what I'm made of!" What ensued was a quick and brutal melee, a few rapid blows exchanged between the lithe but slightly responsive RX-78 and the rotund but surprisingly agile amphibian suit, culminating in both with a number of good dents. Smashing the white fist of her Gundam into the sensor head of the enemy mobile suit to stun it, she ripped the hatchet from its hands before burying it in the gap between the head of the unit and the armor, cleaving straight into the cockpit. Kicking off the now-crippled mobile suit, she readied herself as the next one closed in along with its cronies, the pilot snarling. "Bring it! Let me show you how Side 4 does things!" Before she could even raise her newly-acquired axe overhead, a heavy bolt of plasma erupted from the tidal currents of the Thunderbolt sector with a thundering howl, her sensors blinded as it struck and chained across the group of new mobile suits, none of which were insulated for the extremely harsh conditions of the shoal zone. Unable to see, all she could hear was her proximity alarms going off, her eyes dropping to her computer screen and bolting open. "What the hell, they're all about to-!" She was engulfed in a brilliant explosion, far brighter than anything she had ever seen and the force of which threw her against the back of her Core fighter, smashing her head on the top of the ejection seat. The Gundam went toppling through space, its eyes dimming as its systems shut down and it slowly drifted into space. A new space. Empty. Devoid. If she woke up soon, she would realize that she was no longer in the Thunderbolt Sector. Or anywhere near any Side of Earth.