[b]--- Six Months Later ---[/b] Damien stood nearly twenty yards from the mouth of the main cave entrance. Over the last six months he and his family had happened upon a small group of rebellion fighters calling themselves The Fanged Ones. Honestly Damien thought the name was ridiculous and their reaction when he told them all who they were was even worse. They all began cheering and chanting and held a feast in their honor. Damien was so out of place and yet even after speaking to the leader Mr. Kleinfeld they demanded that their rightful King give a speech. Damien did the best he could, talking about his father and the mission he hoped to take on and that got everyone fired up more and more. Now that very mission is at hand and Damien was getting nervous. He had never taken a life and yet he knew he may have to do that very same thing to save his kingdom. "Fang one to Fang. Fang King do you read?" Kleinfeld said over the comms. The man was only 50 yards from his location hiding up in a tree but they wanted to try and keep all contact through the radios so those back at the base 15 miles away could listen in, Fail or not. [color=green] "This is Fang King," [/color] Damien said through the radio with a shake of his head.[color=green] "I read you Fang one although we do need to find a new call sign for me I mean really is that necessary?"[/color] he continued until the sound of footfalls became heard. A guard was crossing in front of the cave. Their timing had been off but Damien made sure there were contingencies in place as this could very well be their only chance to get these weapons out of Merricks hands. Soon the guard had been dispatched by a group of rebels who gave the signal for Damien and crew to move in. It was now or never...