Well, it was nothing like a play or a drama. Yagra had half expected a whole slew of dialogue and exaggerated movements that was usual for a theatrical performance but instead, a large skeleton appeared out of nowhere, climbing slowly up the steps as more skeletons spawned from its body. It was enough to make her wonder if something got into her sake while she wasn't looking. Just before she could convince herself it was really well made prop made for whatever the boy and girl was practicing, the boy zoomed quickly away towards the shrine, leaving her and the girl behind. [color=fff79a]"Oi! You're just going to leave two defenseless girls behind?"[/color] "... E... Everyone, get inside the shrine!" [i]So no chance of this being a drunken halucination huh?[/i] There was a quite visible skeleton giant spawning regular skeletons from it just climbing up the steps. Maintaining the illusion that she wasn't what she was seemed quite pointless at this point. Retreating with Ayumi, she tied up her sleeves and secured the hem of her clothes, before swinging the steel kanabo one handed at the smaller skeletons pursuing them. Yagra's unnatural strength was readily apparent from that simple swing; for one to be able to swing what was essentially a large metal club one handed and shatter several of those skeletons in a cloud of dust, one would have to be something not entirely human. In her case, due to her horns being very visible now, she could readily be identified as an oni to those familiar with Japanese lore. [color=fff79a]"You, girl with the bokken, go on ahead. I'll slow them down."[/color] Yagra had not fought for a long time, but the giant skeleton looked easy enough to just shatter into a million pieces. But, she had no idea what it can do, nor did she feel that could be risked with the two humans there. There was no telling if it had some sort of wide ranged attack that wouldn't be a threat to her but kill everyone else that wasn't as tough as an oni. [i]Four,[/i] she amended seeing another pair once she got to the top of the stairs. [i]Four humans. Ah wait, that one has his head off. A nukekubi?[/i] Drinking from her gourd all the while, she kept on swinging her kanabo wildly through the air, making her way slowly to the shrine. Hopefully whoever runs the shrine didn't get the idea to exterminate her alongside the giant skeleton.