Ian blinked, it seemed that of the group he had one of the less impressive resumes...really the only thing that would even put him in a similar tier to this group would probably be his rifle. Well, at least the most recent person to walk up couldn't have such an impressive background. In the school's simulators he had top scores in accuracy with both moving and stationary targets, though he could mostly attribute that to the sheer time he spent in said sim the previous year between naps. Back then he hadn't managed to find a team at all, so he spent the time that other pilots were using to compete to practice. Even so, it looked like that practice was going to simply be outshined by talent. That was slightly disheartening, but not altogether terrible. Ian smiled lightly to himself and took the signup sheet. After filling in his information, he handed it off again. This newer guy creeped him out a bit, the way he loomed over them. Kiril, is what Ian thought he heard the guy say his name was. He was enthusiastic and clearly pretty sure of himself. It was a clear contrast to Ian's personality, which was far from a bad thing, but for whatever reason he didn't understand it was...creepy, yeah that was the best word for it. In spite of himself, Ian turned to Kiril and extended a hand to shake. [color=0076a3]"My name is Ian Laudat, it's...uh, nice to meet you."[/color] He said, obscuring his slight discomfort with a mostly genuine yawn. If it weren't for the current situation, he had no doubt that he would be fast asleep right now.