[b][color=lightblue]Sasha[/color][/b] Sasha smiled as Ariel came over, giving her a hug, she let Ariel take the notebook, not particularly worried about it, not one really for keeping things from her guild mates. Her family. In it, Ariel would see information from recent disasters, as well as detailed notes on where she had been, what she had found, and finally one last entry on Tenuru island, a hastily drawn map showing where she had sketched it. She smiled, almost secretively [color=lightblue]”Well, I’m glad I look different. Its been an interesting two months”[/color] She said, shifting slightly, she laid her hands in her lap, [color=lightblue]”As for what that is, its my notebook on everything….related to whats coming”[/color]. She smiled at Amaya, [color=lightblue]”Well. Nothing is off with me, not really. But thank you for your concern.”[/color] She chuckled at Joshua, and smiled, happily, [color=lightblue]”Well, you are probably right about that. I wanted to get back as quickly as I could”[/color] She said, cheerful. Sasha was, beyond anything, happy to be home. It had been a long few weeks, and she’d been doing a lot, with a lot of knowledge weighing heavily on her shoulders, but back home...she knew everything would be alright. Catching Mayt’s conversation with Jarvis, Sasha tilted her head a moment, listening, before she said softly, her expression a little daunted at Mayt’s appearance, the new scars, and worried for her friend, perhaps the first person that had actually shown some interest in her, [color=lightblue]”I actually have a lot to go over, but I was letting everyone just gather naturally”[/color] She said, glancing about, seeing that a majority of people were around, she sighed, [color=lightblue]”And I was hoping the other guild masters would join us, even via lacrima, yet it doesn’t seem like it…”[/color] [color=green][b]Micheal[/b][/color] Michael frowned as he faced Balthazar, out the back of Dragon’s fang’s guild hall, the sword in his hand unfamiliar, heavy as he faced off against the demon spirit, who would give him no mercy, he knew. Over the last few months, Michael had been trying to increase his own fighting, to become both stronger, and able to protect his spirits if he needed to, so he wouldn’t be a burden to them, nor his guild mates. But he just couldn’t seem to get the hang of holding the sword and he clumsily moved towards Balthazar, his unsteady strike knocked aside easily, he sighed as his sword went clattering to the ground. [color=red]”You are not holding it right, Michael”[/color] The spirit said, and Micheal glared at him, looking up from retrieving the sword, in his left hand. His right was in cased in plaster, the result of an injury when on a job. [color=green]”Gee”[/color] He said softly towards the spirit as he shifted the sword in his grip, [color=green]”I wonder why”[/color] He sighed, and tried to shift the sword so that he could curl his all but useless right hand around the pommel, holding his left on top of his right. [b][color=lightcoral]Sammy[/color][/b] [color=lightcoral]"Nothing. Mama told me to find you"[/color] Samantha said brightly, hugging Amelia when the older girl shifted too her level, holding on tightly, [color=lightcoral]"Are you okay?"[/color] she asked Amelia, with some concern.