Ren turned around as he reached the shrine, his pace slowing as the absurdity of the entire situation clicked. There was a giant skeleton storming its way to the shrine, the sky was as red as blood, and... Well, it seemed as if almost everyone else was some kinda youkai or magician or something, save the old man with a gun who had just arrived. Granted, the gun made him feel no less safer near the shrine than he did otherwise, but there was at least [i]something[/i] that he could understand conceptually here. "Sorry, sir, but I have about as much of a clue about what the heck's happening here as anyone else... In other words, nothing at all," Ren said, bounding up the stairs to the shrine itself and opening the sliding door. The place was caked in dust, but a few things stood out in the dim light that filtered through: a metal bell about half his size with a hammer of sorts next to it and a small talisman that seemed to pulse with light every few seconds. The bell seemed to be pretty useless at the moment, but as things seemed to be rapidly making a turn towards the supernatural with every passing moment, Ren decided to grab the talisman and head outside once more. Squinting his eyes to see the two people fighting the smaller skeletons, Ren watched as they seemed to effortlessly sweep through the monsters as if they were nothing. While he could appreciate the fact that there was protection now, it was only a matter of time before the giant one made it over... And he hadn't a clue if they could handle that, regardless of how strong they were. After a moment, the young man noticed that the talisman in his hand seemed to glow brighter the closer the giant skeleton came. With a small gulp, Ren turned to the rest of the group who had gathered near the shrine and held out the object to the others. "Okay, gut feeling right now, so don't sue me if it flops, but I think that slapping this thing on that giant skeleton might be good for us. I definitely have all of [i]zero[/i] experience in fighting this kinda thing, so... Anyone else feel like testing this theory? I mean, 's all I got, unless you guys think you can break it down somehow," he said, waiting for someone else to pick up the slack for him. The giant skeleton, on the other hand, seemed to be moving marginally faster after scaling the stairs to the shrine; that, coupled with the increasing rate at which the smaller skeletons spawned, definitely added to the young man's anxiety. [i]"Okay, while this definitely feels like something out of a manga, I'm probably no stronger than a faceless mob character in the background right now. This sucks."[/i]