..... The owner of the tavern and those that worked there watched the fight rage on as each traded blows. Not even the guards who where present stepped in. They were prepared to if the fight escalated any further then fists though. Luckily this night did not come to that. As the fight neared its end people who where there began to lose interest and leave the tavern to their respected homes. Wenches went back to their duties of cleaning the tables and mopping. The barkeep returned to cleaning the glasses and making sure all the gold the tavern earned was tucked away in the chest. Once the fight was over it was time for him to pick up what chairs where broken or stools. He simply added them to the fire. It was much better then just throwing the wood out. Once more the tavern became quiet once more. The guards had left to return to their duties outside while the workers at the tavern went to their own rooms... ..... As time past and the characters went to their respected rooms, partnered with someone or not, the stars began to fade as night turned to day and it was once more time for them to wake up and head for the temple. This time they did not have to head very far from the ruins. The town was nothing more then five miles from the little village. They would have to keep in mind that they may not be the only ones there at the ancient temple. With some luck,... maybe a few of the traps were already triggered. [center][color=0072bc]Alexander[/color][/center] ....Alex was the first to wake up. Before he went to bed the night before he had remove a good deal of his armor. He laid in the bed with his tunic and pants on. Minus the boots he was still pretty well clothed. He didn't want to take too much time with preparing to embark. As his eyes opened he stretched and let his hand fall to his side only to feel his palm feel hair. He knew it wasn't his because as he did so he picked up a very familiar scent and his head slowly turned to its side. He was greeted with a very asleep Elle. His blue eyes widened in shock and he rose up quickly from where he laid and moved the covers to discover that she was naked. He gulped and looked away and scratched his head. He recalled he only had one drink of mead and that was it. It was not enough to get so drunk that he couldn't remember what happened... yet here he sat in bed sharing it with a naked woman. Not that it was a bad thing or anything just that he would have liked to recall it. He looked back to her and sighed. Perhaps nothing happened.... for one he still had his pants on. At least he hoped that was the case. He slid out of the bed and looked down to his boots. He crouched and began to put them on hoping not to wake her. Once they where on he continued to move. Sneaking was a lot hard now do to his boots, they where not exactly made for moving quietly. With that he began to put on his armor one piece at a time. His mind flooded with what just happened. He looked over to Elle and just shrugged. Perhaps after this whole ordeal is over he would revisit this moment. [color=0072bc]"Wake up sleeping beauty. It's about time for us to take a crack at that temple."[/color] He said. [center][color=92278f]Vivian[/color][/center] Vivian felt the rays of the sun shine through her window as day broke. Immediately she squinted and began to feel the effects as she opened them. The room was spinning a little bit from the reaction. She rose slowly and steadily not even caring that the coverings fell to reveal her naked chest. She spotted Fordes right away still sleeping in his corner. She smiled slightly as she looked towards the window. It was another day on the surface. This time she was going to eventually get away from the suns rays thanks to the temple. It shouldn't be too far away now. She then remembered what her sister said about her kin possibly being within the temple. This thought began to degrade her smile to nearly a frown as she sighed and climbed out of bed. She looked down to the night stand and her necklace. She was almost tempted to leave it.... then again it's usefulness could come in handy later on.