[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/55/8e/a4/558ea484756940b75dee79a8a7f6b187.jpg[/img][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9d/c2/8e/9dc28edcfd71b579b89b0a0d6659cd84.jpg[/img][img]http://t04.deviantart.net/TowKsj6c2lsWDPxWjTkdtwLN8YE=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre10/41ee/th/pre/f/2013/101/1/7/alex_mercer_by_sleii_no_baka-d5vtwux.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][I][u]"Introducing, a Very Odd Trio!"[/u][/I][/h1][/center] [center][@Weird Tales][@Karkinos][@GarlandDaHero][@l0ck0n][@Utrax][@Cherrywitch][@Cat][@Depressedsoviet][@Deathsong12][@Burning Kitty][@Blight Bug][@blumenk][@MechonRaptor][@Melkor] (I apologize if I missed anyone.)[/center] [Center]Color Scheme for Dialogue: [color=black]John[/color],[color=9e0b0f]Devan[/color], and [color=slategray]Jayce[/color][/center] [color=slategray]"This fucking blows...Just when I was about to finish downloading Battlefield 1 they fucking call for us to come in...They're like fucking YouTube ads. Cant fucking skip'em."[/color] His hands were behind his head as he walked down the street with his two compadres. The taller of the three glanced over. [color=black]"Ah but at least with YouTube you can downlo-"[/color] Jayce pointed accusingly. [color=slategray]"Don't say it! I already tried and guess what? Ad blocker costs money and right now...I don't have fucking it."[/color] The shortest one in the middle piped up. [color=9e0b0f]"Unless it's comes from [I]my[/I] wallet."[/color] A pop of the vein. [color=slategray]"Hey dipshit, [i]you're[/I] the one that suggested we get PlayStation 4 in the first place."[/color] [color=black]"Actually that was me."[/color] With lazy eyes Devan glanced over. [color=9e0b0f]Once again, with my money...Which you still owe me for the damage done to the wall in the apartment."[/color] Jayce shot him a look. [color=slategray]"How much?"[/color] [color=9e0b0f]$1,400...[/color] Jayce was bewildered as John snickered. [color=slategray]"All I did was pt my fist into the wall-"[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Which promptly afterward went through to the concrete structure inevitably putting a hole in the building the size of a basketball. So not only do they have to fix the wall in our apartment, but they have to have someone come check out the apartments structure since you can't control your strength and make sure the structure's integrity is still sound. Then they have to move us out while they fix it and also-"[/color] Cold eyes looked into Jayce's own, causing him to flinch slightly. [color=9e0b0f]"I cannot get back my deposit thanks to you..."[/color] Devan narrowed them as he contemplated cutting open Jayce's throat, even if he could heal it it would satisfy him. [color=black]"Have you thought about anger management class?"[/color] John spoke up. Outside of the mayor's building, those inside could hear someone screaming- [color=slategray]"I DONT HAVE FUCKING ANGER PROBLEMS YOU TWATS!!!"[/color] The both comically leaned away as Jayce belted out curse words towards them. As they neared the entrance of the building. Not surprisingly, this was the mayors building. Town meetings, permits for different things and other political business was conducted here as well as the gathering of this newly formed superhero group. "Ah you must be the-" Jayce was first through the door with his finger in the air towards the receptionist who simply gave him a dirty look. John followed suit and gave the lady behind the desk a light bow before taking the forms into his hand and moving off towards were the gathering was being held. Devan was the last through as his blades had to be waved for the hero group. Jayce had managed to talk his way out of it but Devan just went along with procedure, just so he didn't step on any toes or burn any bridges off the bat. He fell behind slightly but soon made it to the receptionist. "Hello." Devan gave a thin smile before reciprocating with the same polite greeting. [color=9e0b0f]"Hey, so question. Have you seen-"[/color] She sighed and pointed towards the door as yelling could be heard from the other side. Those lazy eyes returned as he rubbed the back of his neck and moved towards the commotion, quietly hopping it wasn't his friends. [hr] [h3][u][b]About 5 minutes earlier[/b][/u][/h3] Jayce was the first to step through the door and took a good look at everyone in there before his tactless response came through. [color=slategray]"Its a fucking sausage fest in here...Dammit"[/color] Scratching the back of his head he made his way to one of the corner seats in the room away from everyone and pulled out a cigarette and lighter- The lighter... Where's the- [color=slategray]"UGhhhhhh..."[/color] Slamming his head back against the wall with a thunk, his arms dropping in defeat as he slid further in his chair. It didn't take much longer before John entered the scene and looked around for his brother. There was a slew off people in here, all here for the same reason...maybe. [color=black]"Oh Jay-bird! I have a gift for you."[/color] He sing-song as he made his way over to Jayce whose glare could kill right now. Without warning he dropped the packet of forms on his lap and a pen with it. [color=slategray]"What the hell is this Jeff..."[/color] He said shortly, irritation clearly in his tone of voice. [color=black]"Its hero registration forms that need to be fil-"[/color] Jayce with drew the letter he got. [quote][i]Dear Hero, As you may know, a threat has come to our great city. You may have encountered its effects already. People becoming extremely powerful, beyond normal standards and some who were not even mutants beforehand, like yourself. They are being changed by someone manipulative, a person of a dark spirit who has it out for Metropolis. He calls himself "the Voodoo Man." Innocent people are being brainwashed by this man, and becoming these ferocious monsters who attack others for no apparent reason. They are villains. You and other mutants are our only hope to eliminate not only these villains, but eventually the Voodoo Man himself. Please, meet with the others at the town hall if you are willing to be a part of this Generation of heroes that will save Metropolis city. Please, save us. The Mayor of Metropolis Stephen Hans[/i][/quote] [color=slategray]"Here's my form John...Don't need anything else."[/color] John looked slightly annoyed. [color=black]"That's not how it works Jayce. That just let's us know we were picked. We still have paperwork and documentation to fill out to make it official."[/color] Jayce leaned up to look at the packet. [I][color=slategray]'God no. I'm not filling this all out...'[/color][/I] He thought to himself as he picked it up to weigh it. He sighed and sat up and began working on the packet. It didn't take long before he gave up and dropped it on the ground next to him. [color=slategray]"Nope, nah, I'm not filling the rest of this out."[/color] [color=black]"Yes you do, we have to."[/color] He shook his head. [color=slategray]"No, what's the point?"[/color] [color=black]"To more than likely add us into their registry."[/color] [color=slategray]"Fuck no, I'm not being bound by the government to do this. They choose me so its my choice to go along with it. I should have the right to leave if I wish."[/color] [color=black]"Yes they choose you and me and that guy and the girl and that..."[/color] He seemed distracted by the sentient teddy bear, leaving room for Jayce to speak up. [color=slategray]"Ok so we should have the right not to put this on the books."[/color] [color=black]"What books?"[/color] This continued until Devan walked in to which Joh waved for him to come over. [color=9e0b0f]"Can I leave you two alone for five minutes without hearing you argue?"[/color] Jayce shot up in his seat and held up the paper work. [color=slategray]"Fuck this..."[/color] Levi rolled his eyes and sat down away from them. [color=9e0b0f]"Just fill it out. For all you know there might be a sign on bonus."[/color] Jayce took a moment to think about it and grinned at the idea of a large multi grand sign on with the government as a hero before Devan shattered that dream. [color=9e0b0f]"And if there is you're giving me $1,400 of it to pay back the damages to the apartment..."[/color] Jayce quietly sat there mumbling afterwards.