[quote=@PlatinumSkink]She tried to press space away from her. Clearly, space had been pulled in at her, the relative measure decreased from her point of view. The girl determined to reject it, to restore distance relative to herself, how she was experiencing. Attempting to get it back to normal. Since it was only to herself it was happening, she assumed, she’d focus this effect on herself. Press it away. If it didn’t work, she’d attempt to create an orb the way she knew to see if it helped, if anything she knew how to do would have any effect. [quote=@WiseDragonGirl]At least transportation would be ready soon, he wanted this girl somewhere inside so he could properly examine her. And properly monitor her as long as she wouldn't snap out of it. Although she seemed calmer now, that certainly was a good sign.[/quote] [quote=@Holmishire]Ariett muttered something about how he'd better not be screwing with them before applying a few drops of the liquid to the girl's shirt—she wanted to see the effects before risking a high dose with a potentially volatile chemical.[/quote] [quote=@Bright_Ops]He kept his eyes on those whom had been in the 'carriage' earlier in order to see if they were alright and to also ensure that they didn't do something stupid... even if his gaze did linger on the situation with Amelie with a small amount of worry. In general, he was just keeping an alert eye out to make sure that he wouldn't be caught off guard by the next horrible thing that was no doubt going to happen. [/quote][/quote] [@PlatinumSkink] ...But nothing happened. The pounding behind her eyes had stopped though, and besides the issue of blurred vision Amelie felt reasonably fine. [@Holmishire] The thick, black liquid refused to pour out in small, neat drops - a modest lump of it falling from the lip of the canteen's mouth to slap against the spine-covered, silvery metal coating Amelie's shirt. The substance immediately reacted, seething in every direction like a mass of ferrofluid in a magnetic field, before stretching out to completely and evenly cover every exposed inch of the silver metal. A few moments passed, and then the black substance bled away, seemingly evaporating into thin air while emitting a sound equivocal to a melodramatic sigh. There remained no evidence of the silvery metal that had coated Amelie's shirt. ...Although the fabric that the metal had consume was [i]also[/i] gone, leaving a gaping hole in the front of Amelie's shirt. [quote=@Holmishire]"It hurt like hell when that metal seared into my back," she said, addressing the knight. "If I used it on myself now, wouldn't I just suffer from an open wound?"[/quote] "Nah." The male pavise knight said indifferently. "It will probably remove any skin directly adhered to the plating, but it's all going to be dead and cauterized most of the way down. Should just leave a clean scoop of flesh where the plate was. Unsightly, but not grisly." [quote=@Doc Doctor]With a grunt donny disassembled his contraption, tugged his shoe back on, replaced his reel, and ditched the piss rod over a shoulder before walking back to the others.[/quote] [@Doc Doctor] As Donny approached the group, they quickly returned to normal speed - and then started to accelerate. As he took another step, Hiecro, Fortune, and the male Pavise Knight all exploded in blurs of speed, moving several times faster than his eyes could process - and then in an instant, their motion returned to normal, and Donny witnessed Andreas and Ariett tending to the fallen Amelie while the remainder of the group gathered around the male pavise knight. A curious halo of brown, sepia-toned haze began to fill the air surrounding the male pavise knight and those passengers immediately surrounding him. It was flecked with tantalizing flashes of blue, glimmering sparks. Dust and various microdebris from between the cobblestones began to alight and rush outward as though expelled by a high-pressure force, and a thin line of deep, glittering, carmine-red light seemed to seep out of the ground, demarcating an obvious boundary line. Those within the area, save for Luca, felt their eyes pop. "Slug is forming up." The male pavise knight declared. "Everyone stay within the pressure field." He glanced over to where Donny had, from his perspective, abruptly reappeared out of thin air. He snorted lightly and hung his crossbow back again his belt loop before beckoning to Donny with his right hand. "Come on over troublemaker. There is at least one person in New Nemea who would mind if you were left to die here, as surprising as that is." [@Cruallassar][@mdk] Hiecro had turned back to face Kael once she had reached the gathered group of passengers. "You coming or not, lion food?" She called out to him. She then turned to glance over at Luca and visibly startled. "Hey, you! You're standing too close to the line, get closer in to the rest of us. You don't want to be stuck between the folding walls."