With The Brain and Hogger leaving, Vanessa lowered her rifle from it's position on her shoulder. She gave a deep sigh and took the casing out of her teeth. Tucking the spent casing into her suit, Vanessa lowered the ejection lever on her rifle and pulled the unspent round from the chamber. Tucking it back into her suit with the empty casing, Vanessa then closed the action of her rifle, sealing it. She would need to clean it later, but the extensive process could wait for now. Tapping her communicator, Vanessa opened a channel to Toony again and spoke quickly. "He's yours. Do what you will." Vanessa then took a few moments of silence before correcting herself. "Wait, what am I thinking? Ask the captain. Disregard that." Crossing her arms, Vanessa let her rifle rest between them and looked about the landing area. Vanessa then raised an eyebrow at a discernible lack of a certain crewmember. A second glance around confirmed her suspicions, and she opened a global communication line to everyone. "Does anybody know where Fiddlesticks went? He's not here." Should Fiddlesticks have a communicator of his own, he would hear this as well since Vanessa opened a global line to all the crewmembers. However, should he not have a communicator then he would not hear the transmission, and be left in the dark about the sudden awareness of his absence from the group. Vanessa gave a few sniffs, but could only smell the current occupants of the landing platform. Looking around again, Vanessa didn't see anywhere he might have wandered off to. Fiddlesticks previously relentless flirting had been quite annoying, but that wasn't nearly enough for Vanessa to wish harm upon him. With nothing more to do at the moment than wait for a confirmation or denial from anyone or everyone, Vanessa waited. She hated the waiting, but knew that it was an important skill to have. Rash actions often ended badly, though sometimes they were needed in order to actually accomplish things. However, it was better to be patient first. Doing something extreme just because you couldn't wait a few moments was really rather childish, and a rational mind would allow events to unfold and responses to happen. Hopefully they unfolded in time.