[@Acid Hippie] Roxy immediately began to pay attention as the old man started getting everyone's attention in the crowd. At first she was annoyed by the fact that he was distracting from the show, but once she started hearing him explain that he was one of the people from the AAAT, her attitude changed and she began getting excited Hearing the old man's words and warnings about how the test was extremely difficult and dangerous only served to hype Roxy up about the test even more than she already was. This test sounded like the most exciting thing she would ever do, and the thought of which got Roxy pumped up like crazy. Unable to hold in all her excitement, she leaped up in the air and let out an enthusiastic shout. "Challenge accepted! Bring it on old man, I can take ANYTHING this test can throw at me!!" Roxy shouted at the old man, as loud as ever