[center][b][u][h3][color=lime] K E I R A W A L K E R [/color][/h3][/u][/b][sub][@Musaki Hajime] [@canaryrose] [@VampireOracle] [@Aeternum] [@FallenTrinity][/sub][/center] On a normal day, Keira would have changed her mind and opted to watch the spar. But today was far from normal. She wasn't her usual cheerful self and she didn't feel like hanging out with a lot of people. She silently ate her breakfast and looked at the two men who had agreed to fight each other. If she had to make a bet on who would win, she would probably place her money on the Hammer Darius. He had spent years training and with his bulk and strength, she had no doubt he could take anyone out with just a single blow. But then again, the smaller Temporean Connor could prove to be a challenge if he was faster. [color=Lime][i]Well, I guess I'll just have to see which one of them comes out as the victor later on,[/i][/color] she thought to herself as she watched them file out and head towards the training facility. As soon as she had finished her breakfast, she silently cleared away her dishes, washed them and then paused at the door, contemplating on whether to ask Cayde to accompany her or not. Figuring he'd want to get back to his game that he probably put on pause, she shrugged and then continued out of the dining hall and back to her room. She took up the bow her father had made and then headed out. As always, the moment she stepped out, a shrill cry rang through the air. With a smile, she raised her arm and Falco promptly landed on it. [color=lime]"Any time is always a good time to practice, don't you think?"[/color] she asked the hawk, earning her a tilt of its head and an approving hoot. With brisk but careful steps, she made her way to the ice covered forest where she had done the arrow ritual earlier. An arrow cut cleanly through an ice encrusted leaf, splitting it in half before it flew straight back at Keira. She caught the magic arrown in her hand just as Falco made another screech. The Arrow laughed. [color=lime]"Boomerang Arrow. It's a pretty cool trick, right? It would be useful if I wanna hit several target at once. And... it would have been nice if I could show it to dad..."[/color] her words trailed off as the magical arrow dissipated. Falco, once again, landed on her shoulder and in a rare gesture of affection, touched the top of its head on Keira's cheek. The gesture immediately brought the girl out of her depressive mood and she smiled at the bird of prey. [color=lime]"But I'm glad that you're here and I got to show it to you, Falco,"[/color] she said as she took a seat on a fallen log. Her mind on the raptor that had settled to preening its wings while on her shoulder, she stared at the sky for a moment, wondering what it feels like to glide through it like Falco did. And just like how her arrows cut through the air the moment she releases it from her bow. [color=lime][i]It must feel great...[/i][/color] she concluded, letting her mind drift to other things, completely unaware of what was happening to the others. It took her several hours more of shooting before she was satisfied that she had enough practice for the morning. Bidding her raptor a fond farewell, she watched him soar through the air once more before she headed back to the house. She stepped through the door and looked around. It was strange that it was so quiet. By now, she had expected the men to be back and bragging about who was better.