Hello ! This is the story during the clone wars while the empoerer is planning his rule over the Jedi, Dooku and grevious taking over bases and Jedi's always fighting and warring with other planets and seperatists. Well there is a prophecy that was told to the jedi council not very long ago and it goes something like this. [i] Through shadows and Light A young lady was born She shall save the twilight hour And all those that learn All those that know Be ready and be strong She shall lead you to victory[/i] They think its something to do with defeating the last of the siths and the emperor himself. Around the time of the Phantom Menace there was a young girl taken to the jedi order. She is unknown by parentage to the Jedi order but only one does know who she is and that is Yoda. He will not share the secret that is her lineage but she is indeed the one to save the Jedi order and all that implies that. She has been training and now at the age of eleven she is a new padawan and awaits a master and for her adventure to begin to grow up and learn that dark secrets that cloud around her and her fate and future. Can her friends and master teach her the ways of the force ? can they make her ready to defeat the emperor ? or will she fall to the dark side and go against all those she hs ever loved? Okay so I am looking for around four partners or more , one to be her master two to be friends and the other can play another master as well. I would play the girl that will save thr Jedi but mostly the story if about her and this group that she is with to grow and learn all that they can during the clone wars. Then them standing before all darkness and defeating the emperor stopping order 66 from killing all the Jedi. Character Sheets Name : Age : Race : Ranking: Role you play in the story: Lightsaber color: Fun facts about your character {Always can update} Picture :