Partial Character Sheet (will finish later) Name: Clemel Halcyon Age: 21 Race: Human Ranking: Former Padawan Role you play in the story: Local Security officer (CSI) Lightsaber color: Silver (made a new one after the Jedi kicked him out) Fun facts about your character: {Always can update} -Halcyons are a Correllian bloodline that are gifted at telepathy and Tutaminis (energy absorption), but can't do much Telekinesis without absorbing a lot of energy while doing it. -Hacked the Jedi archives when he worked in the Jedi library. It turns out there are things they don't want padawans to know in there. For example, Master Yoda was once charged with indecent exposure. Someone attacked him while he was in the shower and he chased them down wearing nothing but a light saber. -can use mind wipe to a degree (they may get a feeling of deja vu or dream about what happened) -has an astromech droid named R3-T8 that helps him with investigations, and can understand the Astromech language Picture: