Well, I was actually thinking about pulling some of my old characters out of retirement. Which would fit better in this story? 1) Kiana and Canderous Kiana is a Dathomirian Witch that, after a failed attempt at killing Master Plo-Koon, turned to the light and joined the Jedi, becoming Plo-Koon's apprentice. Canderous is Kiana's Clone Commander and secretly a Null-Class (One of the first clones of Fett, made with almost no gene-modifying. As such, unlike other Clones, can question orders.) They are secretly in a mad, passionate relationship that she has had to learn to bury deep down inside herself. Naturally, she loves the way he makes her feel, but hates the fact that, whenever looking after the teenaged Padawans, she feels like a hypocritic bitch for scolding them for letting their hormones get the best of them. 2) [url=http://mattmanganon.deviantart.com/art/Inuel-and-Renny-582693730]Inuel and Renny[/url] Inuel is a very old Talortai, who hates the fact that he has a good heart and is drawn to helping people, as much as he just wants to be just another asshole gun-for-hire in the universe. Despite this, he is constantly dragged into saving the galaxy from itself. Several years ago, he accidentally rescued Renny, his new sidekick and mechanic. Renny is the son of a Prostitute and an unknown spacer (The list of candidates is way too long to narrow down) who was forced to work on pod-racers for the hutts on Malastare, at the age of 4 since he was small enough to crawl into an engine without having to spend hours taking it to pieces. As such, Renny is a technological genius, able to put most things together and take them apart as easily as any trained mechanic. He has a passing knowledge in computer slicing and has a double-barrelled Sawed-off shotgun called "Lil' Rocker" Renny is also force sensitive, but hides it due to harbouring an intense distrust of Jedi, seeing them as a boogie-man that will take him away and brainwash him into being their good little puppet.