[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/2LCo2QI.png[/img][/center] Odessa found herself having an easier time than before dodging the orc's weapon, weaving in a few strikes here and there, that over the course of a couple minutes really started to add up. Now only did she feel invigorated and the wind magics were helping, but the orc in front of her seemed more primal than before. It was more than just rage at not being able to hit his target, but there was a subtle fear in his actions too, as if he knew that his death was drawing near. She wasted no time in taking advantage though and struck out against him once more as he swung the axe over her head, kicking at his shin - she thought she almost heard a 'pop' as the beast started to limp a little. As the weapon was drawn over head, she moved to the side, ready to look for another opening when one was provided for her. She blinked, watching as the ice formed up around the orc's arm and smirked. Odessa heard Sonya's cry to action and nodded to herself mentally. Drawing back her fist, she swooped in to punch at the greenskin's throat, forcing arcane energies to burst through it as it made contact. The blow caused the orc's neck to nearly explode (which thankfully some of her arcane energies shielded her from the blood splatter) as it gargled in panic, reaching up to try and close the hole with it's one free hand. Spinning to pick up momentum, she kicked the center of enemy's face, forcing the entire head to come loose - perhaps overboard, but it served to not only give the orc mercy but also a message to the rest of it's kin. Breathing in and out quickly to catch her breath, she looked over to see Silas finalize the shield orc's life and glanced over to Sonya with a meaningful look, nodding once in thanks and looking visibly relieved - so far, she had kept her promise and even more so, kept her word to Silas. For a first battle, this was turning out to be a great success, bolstering her confidence as her eyes found the orc horde once more. [color=fe7e53][i]'Just a little longer,'[/i][/color] she thought.