Out of the truck window came Daryll's voice, laden with sarcasm, accented by exhaustion. "Yeah, because everyone loves WARDEN. We'd be lucky if nobody tried to report us for something about being off duty or some shit. If we go officially, we'll need to prove who we [i]all[/i] are, and then some database or another will show that we haven't started working yet." Daryll gave a heavy sigh as he clambered out and into the open air, cutting the conversations distance from five to two meters. Like everybody, his outfit was changed, although he'd had the sense to pack more cohesive clothing than Setzer, if only somewhat. Today's theme was vaguely blue, spread across his jeans, t-shit, and navy jacket. "And we are [i]not[/i] doing anything, as you so daintily put it, 'unofficially.' The sheer amount of trouble involved in that, both getting it done and the [b]massive[/b] repercussions make it impossible to be worthwhile. You are literally the only one who has Daddy ready to help bail you out, and I don't see why we need to go to the archives anyways. What we need to do is report in." Daryll stopped himself there. He knew he needed to reign himself in, in a couple ways. First was that his usual attempts to be positive were fading fast in the face of his crappy mood and disdain for the type-A, high-and-mighty Galahad. More importantly, however, was the implications of his proposed course of action. Going directly to the capital is what every rulebook in all Rassvet military recommends. The capital needs information, and the princess should be kept in its safety, as well as her safety broadcasted to her family. The issue, when the princess realized it (and Daryll was certain she would soon), was that she would immediately become a hostage. Her highness's family would likely also be incredibly suspect about this third party, and unlikely to trust her own account so long as she was kept in captivity. As much as Daryll wanted to be friendly to their de-facto guest, he was quickly realizing that she needed to be excluded from some discussions, for reasons unrelated to trust. "Fuck." He thought, "And here I hoped this could go well."