[quote=@The1Rolling1Boy] It's a cartoon in my opinion.... If amything an Americanized anime... and no I gave up on it a long time ago, but I do like Mimikyu [/quote] It is a cartoon, but the more stylized animation style allows for more creative pokemon designs and motion. Wont lie, there are a few bad episodes, but there are some really, really good ones too. Getting used to the animation style change is hard though. But if you like One Punch Man, the style is kinda right up your alley. Did you see James new pokemon? Also the grass trial girl had her bouncesweet evolve, and man is its evo ADORABLE with this animation style. Its like Disney and Anime had a baby when the animation is on point. lol. Can't do that semi stretchy motion with the old animation style. But then when that style is done right its what I'm a sucker for. (Kinda want to find an artist who can draw in that style for a commission...) Shame Ash is the only one who looks awful in that new style. Ignore him though and things get much better.