Ryteb grinned through Lyran's features at his opponent as he took the first move. The opponent was a woman, but he couldn't go easy in this fight. "I'll start by playing the [b]Foul Marksman[/b] and [b]Lizard Soldier[/b]." As he played the cards, they appeared in reality. In his hand formed a longsword which hummed with Arcane power. To his right, a crazy Lizard man wielding an axe and shield. The monster gave a prideful roar, knowing he was the strongest warrior. Behind him, a squad of putrid Orcs roared and cheered, as they prepared for combat. "Archers, FIRE!" He said, raising his hand like a practicedancer general. The Orcs whooped, and began raining down arrows on the priestess. With a nod from his master, the Lizard also ran into the fray, swinging his axe at the lady.