[hider=Britney Leah Williams] [center][h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/MzIHaGw.png[/img][/h1] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/8555/th/pre/i/2014/186/3/d/you_don_t_say_by_rainbowboy0530-d7pcqjj.jpg[/img] [color=wheat][h1]╚══════════════╝[/h1][/color] [i]"Just lighten up, be yourself."[/i] [h2][color=wheat][[/color] [color=wheat][b]18[/b][/color] [color=wheat]|[/color] [color=wheat][b]6'2ft[/b][/color] [color=wheat]|[/color] [color=wheat][b]Sudanese, Ethiopian, Nigerian, Sierra-Leonean, and Egyptian[/b][/color] [color=wheat]|[/color] [color=wheat][b]She/Her[/b][/color] [color=wheat]|[/color] [color=wheat][b]155lb[/b][/color] [color=wheat]][/color][/h2] [h1][color=wheat][i][Inadequacy][/i][/color][/h1] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwH5CD8BwBU[/youtube][/center] [h3][u][color=wheat][b] APPEARANCE [/b][/color][/u][/h3] [i]"... Enough about my height."[/i] [indent][indent]Britney definitely has a bit of size to her body. From the fact that she's abnormally tall - both her mom and dad were [i]huge[/i] in terms of height - to to her sheer body mass. In fact, her sheer height is the first thing that people notice about her. Something that she's insecure about, [i]very[/i] insecure about. Since not too many boys appreciate that she's far taller than them. That's just something that she lives with. The other aspect that makes her look big is her body shape. She has a bit of a oval body-shape that is mostly shaped by extra body fat that she just can't seem to shake off. Though, that body fat compliments her. It makes her very curvy. That was the result of puberty being very kind to Britney. Her behind's size has always been the butt of jokes among friends, and she's definitely chesty (at 44F). She is definitely a woman. Though, because of her body-shape, people also get the impression that she is fat. While she is a bit heavier than other girls, she is definitely not obese. She has an air of confidence around her, the kind of confidence that she owns the world, and that nothing can touch her. Almost like she is noble. She takes large steps, and has a big smile on her face at all times. That nobility vibe comes in the way she dresses - she wears quite expensive and fancy looking clothing. The kind of attire that gives away that she comes from Farmer Hill's upper class. If that confidence fades for whatever reason, something is [i]very[/i] wrong. Though, her tone of voice is quite pleasant (albeit condescending at times), she seems to circumvent that aura by being quite kind and passionate, and happy. Another thing that makes Britney stick out in a crowd (at least in Farmer Hill) is her skin color. She's African-American, and has a [i]bunch[/i] of different African nations flowing through her blood. She's primarily Sierra-Leonean, and Nigerian, but she is distantly Ethiopian, Sudanese, and she even has a bit of Egypt in her. Which gave her her curly brown hair that's well maintained, her facial features, and skull-shape. Her face is pretty round, mostly because of her big rosey cheeks, and her dull jawline. Which gives her a bit of a baby-face. She has a large nose with a wide bridge, and fairly large nostrils. Crescent shaped ears that are pierced, usually with large ear-rings or jewelry. She has thick lips, and a slightly wide mouth that, when she smiles, exposes her very shiny teeth. Her eyes are almond shaped, and a light-brown color.[/indent][/indent] [h3][u][color=wheat][b] PSYCHOLOGY [/b][/color][/u][/h3] [i]"My future's bright, and I know it."[/i] [indent][indent][indent] [color=wheat][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b][/color] Britney's primary goal in life is to find excitement in it. To find new ways to freshen up a tired formula. Which is why she's often found in parties, and whatnot by people who are seen as "beneath" her. All because she wants to have a bit of fun. Also to forge an identity for herself. In the end... happiness. [color=wheat][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b][/color] Britney believes the only way to get what you want in life is through hard work and dedication. Basically to succeed at life, all you need is a clear vision, and a little bit of dedication. She believes that the people that "failed" at life just weren't passionate enough, and are hardly worthy of her time. In addition, she believes that money doesn't necessarily equate status. To her, it's a tool, a means to an end. Just because she's wealthy, doesn't mean she's any more or less special than anyone else. [color=wheat][b]SECRETS ⫻[/b][/color] Britney witnessed something a very long time ago, and was cued into a few secrets from Farmer Hill's elite... even if they don't think too much of the Williams family. Other than that, she keeps her nude habits a strict secret. [color=wheat][b]DESIRES ⫻[/b][/color] Britney desires independence more than anything else. To be seen as her own person. She hates the fact that she's only known as a wealthy man's daughter, and wishes to step out of that shadow the best she can. She wants to forge her own identity for herself. She also desires companionship in the people around her, and find people who think like her. No matter of their wealth. Also to grow her garden to be the largest and most luxurious in all Farmer Hill. [color=wheat][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] Britney is bisexual, leaning heavily on girls. She discovered this trait during a close encounter with a friend. She knew that people wouldn't reflect too kindly upon the revelation. So to keep it a secret, she's willing to date a boy or two as a cover to keep people off her while she dates her real sweetheart. [color=wheat][b]FEARS ⫻[/b][/color] Britney fears dependance more than anything. She has a deep-seated fear of having to rely on anyone in life, all because she truly wishes to step out of her father's shadow so much. [color=wheat][b]REPUTATION ⫻[/b][/color] Britney's reputation is a mixed bag. There's not too many people who [i]don't[/i] know who Britney Williams is. All because her family has a heavy hand in the politics of Farmer Hill.. and also have screwed over more than a few families, and left them homeless. That already gave her a bad start reputation-wise. On a more personal level, Britney's reputation is poor a lot of people due to her attitudes, and whatnot. She is known for being a rich bitch, and quite snooty at times. Very standoffish. [color=wheat][b]PET PEEVES ⫻[/b][/color] Britney has a bit of respect for rules, and order. She can't stand people who can't take things seriously, or just have to buck the system for no reason. She also hates people who are unable to take responsibility for their actions, and would turn her nose up at those people at the drop of a hat. [color=wheat][b]QUIRKS ⫻[/b][/color] Britney has a habit of singing to herself when bored, or busy with work. Expect to hear her sing a song or two during times of silence. Another weird thing she does is her little love of nudity. When no one is around, she likes to strip herself of clothing and simply walk around. Usually done in private, but sometimes she is a bit more adventurous with skinny dipping, and nude morning walks. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [h3][u][color=wheat][b] BACKSTORY [/b][/color][/u][/h3] [i]"It's nothing you need to know, sweetheart."[/i] [indent][indent]While Britney herself is a native of Farmer Hill, her ancestors were not. It started all the way back before Britney's father was even born. Her grandfather was a very wealthy man that seemingly appeared out of the blue (Actually from Philadelphia), and landed in Farmer Hill. Starting a series of successful businesses in Farmer Hill, and quickly and aggressively snatching power and businesses from the natives of Farmer Hill - forcing some out of jobs. It was a sight to see one man gain so much power in a short amount of time, and it was even more pride hurting for the racist members of the community that a lot of the businesses are owned by a black man. Which escalated the Williams family to a higher status within the small town. This legacy/empire continues to modern day, when the Williams family still have a strong foothold in Farmer Hill's community. Britney was born as the first daughter of her father's new generation, and three siblings followed. While daddy worked hard in the offices keeping the businesses afloat, Britney lived the highlife. She had everything that the city had to offer at her disposal, and she used it. From going to expensive schools out of town, to buying expensive clothes, to going on luxurious vacations abroad! She was living the life that people could only dream of. Though, Britney's life was a truly lonely one. She really didn't have anyone other than herself, and her extended family. No real friendship. Exploring the US and the luxurious vacations didn't seem all that great when she went home to nobody. She felt that nobody cared. To help her end her loneliness (or at least distract herself from it) she picked up hobbies. The one that she grew to love the most is gardening. She didn't know what drew her to the hobby, but she loves doing it more than anything else. Nothing excites her more than going out and forging her garden into something special. The garden in the back of the William estate was created by her. Britney's philosophy was heavily shaped by her mother. She did her best to keep Britney realistic, and remind her that she is one piece of a greater world. One beyond Farmer Hill. As she grew up, she tried to carefully examine her mother's words, as she began to self-examine. She went out to Farmer Hill, and tried to make friends with the other people her age. Some rejected her, in time, she began to make friends with the other girls her age. That put the idea in her head that she could do anything if she put her mind to it. She brought loneliness to an end, so she could bring anything to an end. Her father learned of her activities, and brought an end to it. That did nothing to prevent Britney from going out, and having fun with her friends. The last thing she wanted to be was cooped up inside some shitty mansion all day, so she went out and had fun. She met a variety of people she is friends with to this very day. One of her closest friends was one of the town trouble makers, and they were practically inseparable. Though, they both discovered something about themselves skinny dipping one night that got rather heated. Sharing a kiss, the two realized their affections for each other. Britney didn't know how to come to terms with it, but kept it a secret. This lead to her relationship with her friend becoming a bit awkward, and eventually they drifted apart. Once Britney came of age, and graduated high-school, she chose to attend Grand Ridge Academy to master in Business, and Administration. Because she realized that the hatred of her, and her self-loathing, will never end unless she becomes her own person, that stands on her own two feet. Though, she's starting to realize there's something about the town most people don't know....[/indent][/indent] [h3][u][color=wheat][b] SKILLS & TALENTS [/b][/color][/u][/h3] [i]"World class gardener right here."[/i] [indent][indent][indent] [color=wheat][b]Gardening ⫻[/b][/color] Britney is an expert gardener. From when she was young, she learned how to garden, and the ins and outs of all plant life. This botany knowledge allows her to identify plants, and knows different ways to apply those plants. [color=wheat][b]Ballet ⫻[/b][/color] Britney was a ballet dancer for as long as she remembers. This lead to Britney being very flexible, and having tons of balance. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [h3][u][color=wheat][b] ABSTRACTION [/b][/color][/u][/h3] [i]"I can give you life..."[/i] [indent][indent] [color=wheat][b]SIGIL & LOCATION ⫻[/b][/color] [url=http://images.all-free-download.com/images/graphiclarge/green_symbol_311278.jpg]On the palms of her hands, the symbols of an orb, surrounded by vines. Completely black.[/url] [color=wheat][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] Chloromancy, the ability to channel the force inherent to all Awaken to manipulate plants, and communicate with them. [color=wheat][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] Spawning from her inherent joy, and love of gardening, Britney gained a connection with plants unlike no other. She has to ability to channel the force shared between all Awakened into the areas around her to create and manipulate plant life. In it's rawest form, she can spawn a wheat colored energy that appears like a floating light anywhere around her with a mere thought, and move this energy around. This energy appears like a spectral force, and from this force, Britney can create any kind of plant life. Seemingly growing it from the light like a source. From this ability, she can create vines, to trees, to bushes, practically anything plant based that is limited by her knowledge of the plant. The only issue is that it takes time for Britney to grow the plant. She can't instantly make a tree appear, of course, but she can quickly make vines appear to attack people with. Now let me note, she doesn't need soil or the sort, she can create it [i]anywhere[/i] in a three meter radius (doesn't mean they'll survive long, but yeah). Oh, I should mention that the Blind cannot see this energy, but they can see it's effects. This energy she can manipulate can also infuse plant life. For starters, it can cause them to grow even more (much faster and more efficiently than creating it from nothing), she can manipulate existing plants, and repair damage plants (possibly reviving plants, removing toxins and diseases, and more). As a side ability, this energy allows Britney to telekinetically manipulate certain plants on a much wider radius. From up to ten meters away, she can telekinetically move things like leaves, fruit, pieces of plant matter, etc. Long as it's less than two pounds, she can lift it - but she is capable of living several things at a time, long as she doesn't lift more than thirty pounds. When she uses her ability, it's accompanied by a wind, nothing drastic. Giving the idea that the wind is doing all the work. Britney is psychically/mentally connected to all plant life around her in a forty meter radius. She mentally knows where plants are in the area, which part of their life cycle they're in, what kind of plant they are, and what they sense. You see, to an extent, plants can feel, see, smell, and taste (There's also a theory that they can hear, but eh). Well, it's mostly limited to other plants, or certain parts of nature. Sometimes Britney wonders if she can [i]communicate[/i]. With plants. Part of her wonders if she's crazy. [color=wheat][b]IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MOUNTAIN ⫻[/b][/color] Britney's abstraction grows a bit in power, and allows her to create plantlife in a ten meter radius, and create it much faster. She can potentially cause a tree to sprout near instantly if she wills it hard enough, and can create a wreath of vines near instantly. In addition, her plant empathy will expand to [i]all[/i] plant life within Farmer Hill. Basically giving her unlimited sight. Her ability to telekinetically manipulate plants expands to twenty meters, and she can lift a hundred pounds. [color=wheat][b]AURA SENSING ⫻[/b][/color] Her aura-sensing is connected to her mental connection to plant-life. By kneeling down, placing her hand down, and concentrating, she can scry through plants in a way. She can sense the auras of those standing in/touching plant life anywhere within her forty meter range. However, it depends on how dense the plant life in the area is. If the person is only touching a plant, she can vaguely sense them, but if they're standing in the middle of a forest, she'll be able to see them clearly. She can only focus on one location at a time, and a very small radius. The moment she stops focusing, however, she'll lose the ability to see their auras. [color=wheat][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] Britney can only create plantlife in a very limited range, and even in the presence of the mountain, it isn't exactly far. Britney's plant manipulation, whilst it doesn't need soil to enhance or grow plant life, she has a far easier time if it's there. It takes far more time and energy to create plant life on non-soils, and the plant life will die [i]very[/i] quickly. In order to control plants, Britney needs to be connected to the earth in a way. The closer she is to soil, the stronger her ability to control plants gets. So, if she's on the second floor of a building, it'd be harder to use her power than if she was on the ground-level. [color=wheat][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] Britney's plants are as vulnerable as any other plants. They can easily be killed by fire/heat, ice/cold, poison, and they also still require water and other means to stay alive. Britney cannot create plant life from nothing - even if it seems like she does. She donates a bit of her lifeforce in order to create her plants. As she uses her power, she runs a little low on lifeforce and becomes physically weaker as she uses her abstraction. She can possibly kill herself if she uses her power too much. [/indent][/indent] [h3][u][color=wheat][b] OTHER [/b][/color][/u][/h3] [i]"Peace."[/i] [indent][indent][/indent][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Britney Williams] [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/MzIHaGw.png[/img][hr][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/e260/f/2016/362/5/4/stars_and_denim_by_gdbee-dat6bhx.jpg[/img] [color=wheat][b]Full Name:[/b][/color] [i]Britney Leah Williams[/i] [color=wheat][b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b][/color] N/A [color=wheat][b]Age:[/b] [/color] 17 [color=wheat][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=wheat][b]Primary:[/b][/color] Terramancy. [color=wheat][b]Student of Terramancy[/b][/color] [color=wheat][b]Secondaries of Interest[/b][/color] Healing, and Familiar Conjuration. [color=wheat][b]Description:[/b][/color] Britney is definitely a girl that emanates nobility, status, and wealth with every step she takes. She came to the academy [i]very[/i] well dressed, and takes large steps. Britney comes from such a family that is known throughout the world for their wealth (but frowned upon by the magical community due to renouncing them). Despite being nontraditional among the magical families. She doesn't care. Normally, she walks around with a confident look on her face, and her demeanor rarely changes (If it changes for the worse, something is horribly wrong). Her tone is confident as she is. Though, Britney definitely stands out a bit more due to her incredible height. Like, she makes boys look small at six-two. Whenever she walks into the room, she definitely turns heads with her mere appearance. That's not all that'd turn heads. Puberty was very fair for Britney, as she is definitely curvy to go alongside her height. Her behind's size has always been the butt of jokes among friends, and she's definitely chesty (at 40F). She is definitely a woman. Though, because of her body-shape, people also get the impression that she is fat. While she is a bit heavier than other girls, she is definitely not obese. In terms of ethnicity, Britney draws from a variety of African countries to contribute to her dark skin. For starters, she is mainly Egyptian, which is the cause of her facial features. She also draws from Sudan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Sierra-Leone. This is why her hair is an afro-texture, but she keeps it in a bun. She dyed it a purple-ish black color. [color=wheat][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Britney is definitely somebody that is full of herself. She feels as if she's destined for greatness. However, she is here to learn about her magical lineage, and become a competent mage. If you get in the way of that, then she has no love for them. She has a stern respect for the rules, and work ethic. She can't stand people who can't take the school seriously, or just have to buck the system. That isn't the end of it, she is a bit mean at times. She just has a firey temper towards those who get on her nerves (or threaten her). She'll insult them ruthlessly, and may resort to violence if they annoy her enough. In other situations, she is quite snarky, foolhardy, and even flirty. Britney regards herself as bisexual, with a preference for females. [color=wheat][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [i]Dancing:[/i] Britney is definitely a skilled ballet dancer given her upbringing. She thinks the leotards fit her nice. [color=wheat][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] Britney is quite arrogant, and tends to get herself in over her head. In addition, she is a bit inexperienced with magic, so she'd be beaten by somebody better. She's also very large, and probably not the most agile woman in the world. In addition, she finds it hard to connect with people. [color=wheat][b]Brief History:[/b][/color] Alright, so, the Williams lineage is a long and complex one. I'll try to simplify it. It started with the Alhudaybi family, who resided in ancient Egypt. They used their magical abilities - specifically Terramancy - to carve a piece of the world for themselves. By force. They made themselves leaders of an empire, and this was something that angered many members of the magical community. Few were confident enough in their abilities to challenge them, so the Alhudaybi family were begrudgingly tolerated for their actions. Despite this, they became active members of the magical community. Presenting themselves as being a proud family, but the other families knew of their underhanded tactics. They were known for doing whatever it took to advance themselves, and they were not above crime. However, despite all their strength, when the war against the cult began, the Alhudaybi family were one of the families to take the most damage. Many important members of the family were killed by the cult as they were ill-prepared for the counter attack, or simply just arrogant. It was difficult for the family to recover from the war, and they were simply being outpaced by other magical groups. To alleviate this, and bring themselves back into power, the Alhudaybi started more or less selling their sons and daughters to marry into other families. This, while helping, only served to delay the inevitable. The Alhudaybi family faded into the shadows, with their bloodline merely becoming apart of another, more powerful one. One of these children eventually ended up in America, and joining up with a humble Terramancy family; The Williams! This family was distancing itself from the magical community, focusing on wealth over magical power. Even though they all had an innate power with the earth, they saw no worth in it. Which is what alienated them from the magical community. Eventually, the first child of the generator; Britney Williams, was born. She was a talented young woman, she succeeded in ballet, and was smart in school. But, once she realized her magical ability, her parents told her that it was nothing to be concerned about, and to ignore it. However, the curious Britney researched into it, and realized her true potential, and wanted to learn about that instead of stocks and trades. Her parents tried their hardest to deter her... but there was no deterring her. Eventually, subject of the Marchand academy came up, and she demanded to go. Her parents knew that the families would chew her up and spit her out because of her bloodline. But, Britney forged her way into Marchand, and disappeared from her family's manor. She wanted to learn magic as much as anybody... and she wanted to redeem her family in the eyes of the other families. [color=wheat][b]Other:[/b][/color][/center] [/hider]