Surprised by their opponent's quickness in using a summon-type monster, Ronald conjured the tough [b]Rotten Stalker[/b] using it as a meathsield for the arrows. As the lizardman approached, Ronald sighed. Being turned into a woman was odd enough, but without a moment to even wrap his head around the predicament, they simply lunged forward, attempting to behead the lizard with [b]Jack's Cutlass[/b]. [color=a187be]"You enjoying yourself with that? Yeah? Well knock yourself out, that way I won't have to."[/color] Ronald sneered, with a (to him) surprisingly female voice. Summoning [b]Scallywag[/b] as a guard and [b]Sneaky Rogue[/b] to see if she could fetch a nice card. Finally, Ronald dropped to a combat stance, while thinking to himself; [color=a187be][i]Great start, genius. How will you ever make it big like this?[/i][/color]