[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TjytTdM.png[/img][/center] Hazel's blow didn't knock Emma unconscious, but she didn't get up. Beaten, bruised, naked on the ground, abandoned by the thing that she thought would keep her safe in this world. She feebly tried to cover herself, but she was sure that the spectator's were getting an eyeful. A more familiar feeling than she would care to admit. When the guards came to clean up she accepted the clothing, but was otherwise despondent. She just wanted to... Rest. A [i]long[/i] rest. Christmas had healed her wounds, but the worst of it wasn't superficial. After shimmying into the decidedly unflattering pajamas she let herself be taken away on a stretcher. She wasn't exactly unconscious, but she sure looked the part. She let herself slip into an uneasy sleep as she was carried towards the observation room. [hider=Western Esotericism] [color=f7976a]"Hey, Em, you remember that whole occult phase we went through?[/color] the question had came suddenly, unexpectedly, breaking a long silence. Emma looked up from the letter she was writing, [color=8A3DFF]"Hmmmm? Yeah, we were pretty young then, weren't we... everyone thought we were super weird, but we were convinced we were the coolest. You even got a tattoo of the Tree of Life... where's this coming from?"[/color] Emma gave a slight tilt of the head towards Riley, a polite smile placed on her face. She responded with a devious smile, producing an old beaten deck of tarot cards from her back pocket. [color=f7976a]"I was rummaging around and... remember these?"[/color] she said, voice dripping with mockery. Emma instantly responded by placing her hand to her face, grin unfurling. [color=8A3DFF]"You know you're a dick for reminding me of that, right?"[/color] Riley's smile grew to match Emma's grin. [color=f7976a]"C'mon, Miss Gypsy, don't you want to give me a reading? For old time's sake?"[/color] Emma shot back without hesitation, [color=8A3DFF]"Hell no!"[/color] Riley responded with a small laugh. [color=f7976a]"Awwww, c'mon!"[/color] she said, clearly trying to goad Emma. Emma shook her head defiantly in response. [color=8A3DFF]"I [i]will[/i] dig up something equally embarrassing to get you back for teasing me."[/color] Riley pouted at her, [color=f7976a]"Whaaaatever. Fine, if you won't give me a reading, I'll do you, alright?"[/color] before Emma could respond the girl already began to pull up a chair, positioning herself opposite of Emma across the table. Emma responded with a sigh, [color=8A3DFF]"Really? Do you [i]have[/i] to?"[/color] the only response the would-be reader had was an empathetic nod. She shuffled, then paused for a moment, contemplating the deck. [color=f7976a]"Now, how the hell do I do this?"[/color] Emma groaned in response. [color=8A3DFF]"There's no set way to 'do' it. It's up to the reader to choose how many cards to draw and how to interpret them."[/color] Riley gave a hearty laugh in response, [color=f7976a]"Oh, this will be [i]fun[/i]."[/color] she said, giving Emma a small wink. She began drawing cards, placing three on the table. [color=f7976a]"Three's a good number, right? This is where I say some wishy-washy bullshit like 'three has great significance in divination!', right?"[/color] Emma just nodded, [color=8A3DFF]"Sure, whatever, just get on with it."[/color] an exaggerated frown placed itself on Riley's face, [color=f7976a]"Aw, don't be like that. It's no fun if the querent isn't into it."[/color] there was an exaggerated hurt placed in her voice. Emma didn't respond, and merely gestured for her to start turning over cards. Riley gave a nod, turning over the first. It depicted a skeleton atop a white horse. The skeleton carried a black flag emblazoned with a white flower and it was surrounded by corpses. Riley gave an exaggerated gasp in response, [color=f7976a]"Death! That means... you're going to die!"[/color] she said, filled with mock terror. Emma was unamused. [color=f7976a]"Too on the nose?"[/color] Emma groaned again. [color=8A3DFF]"Get on with it."[/color] She said, resigning herself to playing Riley's little game. [color=f7976a]"Alright, alright! [i]Someone[/i] woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, eh?"[/color] Riley flashed Emma a smile. Now she was just trying to push her buttons. Emma gave a small smile back, keying her into the fact that she knew what she was trying to do. Riley flipped the next card. It depicted Adam and Eve. [color=f7976A]"The Lovers!"[/color] Riley exclaimed, excited, [color=f7976a]"That's us, right!?"[/color] Riley said, giving Emma a light punch in the shoulder. Emma groaned even harder than before. [color=8A3DFF]"Someone doesn't know their tarot very well, eh? Lovers generally signifies a temptation of the heart, jackass."[/color] A slight smirk lit up Emma's face. Riley frowned, [color=f7976A]"I interpret it differently then, [i]jackass[/i]. It means we're super cool and perfect for each other!"[/color] Emma couldn't help but smile at that. [color=8A3DFF]"Fine, then, last card."[/color] Riley complied, flipping it over. [color=f7976A]"Who the fuck is this guy, a hobo? The Fool? Sure looks like one, if you ask me."[/color] Emma picked up the card, looking at it. [color=8A3DFF]"Huh. The Fool was my favorite card. The Major Arcana represents The Fool's journey. The tarot deck has its own little story behind it, represented through the card's iconography."[/color] Riley gave Emma a curious look, [color=f7976A]"So he's like, the main character of the tarot deck?"[/color] Emma nodded in response, [color=8A3DFF]"Yeah. He's numbered Zero, the 'number of unlimited potential'. I'm sure you can guess the card's meaning?"[/color] Riley nodded, [color=f7976A]"I'm not [i]that[/i] dumb. New experiences, new beginnings, all that bullshit, right?"[/color] Emma gave her a thumbs up, [color=8A3DFF]"New beginnings."[/color] [/hider] Emma awoke beneath an unfamiliar ceiling. She looked around. She was in the observation room, surrounded by the others, 'highlights' playing on the monitor before them. She glanced at the others, particularly at Hazel, but decided not to engage anyone. She didn't want to speak to most of them right now... maybe not ever, but she doubted that she'd be able to get away with pulling the silent treatment on her classmates. Instead she choose to lay back down. Thing had gotten violent. Too violent, she knew. At least no one seemed to be permanently injured, but... well, she had no doubt there would be trust issues the next time they had to fight. How did things go so bad? The other team mixed it up but no one got stabbed in the face. Emma, it seemed, was left with a myriad of questions.