The limestone staircase was as long and as winding as the previous one. Whether it was the same staircase or not, there was only one way to find out. The same paranoia and trepidation that assaulted Gilligan during his descent returned with a vengeance. There was a chance that he was in a magical trap. That he may never get out of the dungeon alive. At last, Gilligan reached the top of the stairwell. He discovered a similar ladder that rose up to an all too familiar trapdoor. Was this the same trapdoor as the one through which he entered the dungeon? Or was it a different trapdoor that looked identical to the first one? What would happen if Gilligan were to decide to descend that stairwell again? Will he be back in the same dark great hall or will he be somewhere else entirely? Previous experience in this dungeon would indicate that the former would be more likely. Gilligan remembered some old advice he was given a long time ago. It was that appearances can be deceiving and that surprises await around every corner. It is important to always keep an open mind whilst remaining sensible. Above all else, always be on guard. Two obvious choices awaited Gilligan. He could choose to either climb out of the familiar trapdoor or go back the way he came. Taking his chances back down in the great dark hall.