So quick question for [@Gowi] should Magneto be accepted as he is: For someone wanting to play Wanda or her kids, or potentially Pietro, what's the limit on doing that, since they basically don't exist in this universe? Would I be allowed to pretty much [i]House of M[/i] that shit via alternate reality Wanda? I just wanna prepare for the worst, 'cause I've been semi-planning on taking either Billy or Wanda to begin with. Wanda's gonna be involved regardless because finding out who his real mother is, then finding her is core to a lot of versions of Wiccan. This version would likely not be an exception, even if I change a lot of aspects of him. Anyway, I juggled the ideas between Daredevil and them before ultimately deciding on Matt and potentially bringing Billy or Wanda in later. Or when I have time, as I do in the coming days. [s]I really do [i]not[/i] wanna use the Age of Ultron method for bring Wanda and Pietro in 'cause that's gross.[/s]