[@Cherrywitch][@FallenTrinity] [h1][center][color=lightgreen] Richard Scott [/color][/center][/h1] [hr] Richard waved his hand at Maxwell's greeting, good thing he hadn't ignored him like some shy people did. Noticing how Maxwell reacted to the man who only seemed to only speak in quotes and had a face only pinhead would love, he thought to himself that this was starting to look like a villain reunion than a hero recruitment reunion. Hell someone was already offering money in return for their services, giving people free tarot reading and someone​ was pressuring people to make out. Returning back to Maxwell he reminded Richard of his early years, he probably would try to have a short conversation with him and return to his place and not speaking to anyone for the duration of the meeting. As a future hero of justice he couldn't let a person like that alone, so he decided help him to cure his shyness with the ways he cured his. “You know I used to be a shy person like you a long time ago” Richard said as he puts his papers aside and began searching for something on his backpack “ I was bullied since I had no friends at school and no one wanted to help me with it, so I had to get it over on my own” Richard continued to speak as he pulled out his belt from his bag and quickly put it on. “When you have a problem the only way you will be able to put it down permanently is by confronting it directly and beating it down till it's no longer a problem” Richard pressed the button on the belt and was covered in an aura of green light for a few seconds before the light deemed out and revealed the kickhopper armor. Richard wasted no time and grabbed Maxwell by his shoulders, and lifted him with some effort “I am not sorry about what am I going to do, so brace up and prepare to beat up your fears and problems until they are no longer moving” Saying that Richard prepared to throw him where the movie-quoting man, snake man and angry care bear man were, but realized it may be a bit too far and Maxwell might not make it there before meeting with the floor. So he set his sights in the three men who entered moments ago and who were pressured to make out, did a simple eyeball to know how where to aim and with how much force, shouted “HEY YOU THREE INSTEAD OF MAKING OUT, CATCH THIS” to them and threw Maxwell into their general direction.