The teen girl that entered the shrine looked somewhere on the middle of being a typical background mob to a side character, if the foxy stuff didn't count. Her hair was a rich shade of brown in twin braids, and her eyes had a cinnamon tint. Obviously, she was not in uniform; it was holiday season. Instead, she wore a white hoodie with a blue camisole and black shorts underneath, and white-yellow sports shoes with grey striped socks. As if lost, the girl looked around the shrine. Her ears and tails sprang up as she locked eyes with a girl, snow white in hair and sapphire in gaze, also surprised by her sudden appearance. The kitsune walked over to her slowly, the same slightly startled expression persisting for a little while. [color=c4df9b]"Excuse me, but is every one of us here lost?"[/color] the girl inquired, twitching her right ear lightly. [color=c4df9b]"I... was just taking my stroll, you see."[/color] At the same time, she began to sniff as if noticing that the girl in front of her had a little tinge of cat in her scent. While all this was happening, one of the three warriors that appeared in the fighting was overrun by the skeletons. Those that hounded him suddenly returned to their business, and the warrior was gone-- vanished into thin air. Some of the skeletons, both lightly wounded and severely disfigured, suddenly had their damages fade away into nothingness and return back to whole.