[h3]Everybody's heard about the bird...[/h3] [hr] Between the A-10 and the mortar fire, there was a lot going on with the Salvesh. It was also a wakeup call to the entire planet, it felt like. The war was definitely on in Sauna, and they were in a straight firefight, infantry footslogging. So naturally, with the Salvesh suddenly outnumbering them, the idea was to keep pulling back while swatting with the big stick. Once they were in position and prone, the fire got intense; the entire platoon was pouring it on; aimed shots, pairs for the Salvesh, were the order of the day, but the firing got more intense as the engagement got heavier. Danny did note that K-ton had the M32 on the enemy sniper team, which was the point of hauling the thing around. It was indirect firepower for the squad. He concentrated on engaging, but also keeping an eye on the flanks, ensuring that they didn't get rolled over. It was too easy to lose track, and it was his job to be eyes, just like Riddler, as much as it was to be the guns. And so his eyes caught a glint of metal in the air, and he fired at that. It was rewarded with a bullhorn voice in several different, first alien and then human, languages and, finally, in English: "CHECK FIRE WE ARE A JOURNALIST! NICE SHOOTING THOUGH!" The metallic object, an orb?, spelled out "PRESS (interstellar)" before reforming into the ball of liquid metal and bouncing off in a different direction. Danny had seen some crazy shit before, but rather than continue to engage, he waited for Park or even Collins to sound off on that one. Instead, he resumed fire on the Salvesh. He didn't have time to be really shocked...