Directing [b]Scallywag[/b] to get out of the way of the attack and take over [b]Rotten Stalker[/b]'s position, Ronnie/Ranca sighed. Not like this fool was likely to follow orders, anyway. Drawing [b]Jack's Flintlock[/b] and aiming it at Lyran, Ronnie/Ranca sighed, but focused. Waiting for her opponent to step beside the [b]Rotten Stalker[/b], he/she then pulled the trigger. As the bullet quickly soared towards Ryteb/Lyran, Ronnie/Ranca was already in the middle of throwing Ryteb's own [b]Throwing Chakram[/b] at the [b]Lizard Soldier[/b], ordering the [b]Rotten Stalker[/b] to belay their opponent. The calls been made and the cards been played, Ronnie/Ranca drew another card, prepared to play it at a moment's notice, Because any moment now, he/she'd have to.