"KEKEKEKE, YER A FEISTY ONE!" Yamabaka exclaimed, as she kept her grip stubbornly, her shark grin as wide as the country of Japan. This was so much fun! And that fop of her master had made her lose all of this. She'd have to scold him once this kind of fun was over. Or perhaps not. She was having fun, right? Shiki's concentration wavered so slightly as he opened one of his eyes, still chanting his exorcism ritual? So more people with spiritual powers were coming? That was reassuring. A priestess with her own share of summons... Had he seen her somewhere before? Well, it was not important. As the chaos raged, it was important to steel his concentration. He drew his exorcism tags, as he sent them flying against the bear, his raspy voice becoming an ominous chorus, as he intensified his own attempt at exorcism aswell.