[quote=@Lord Wraith] [INDENT][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]G M A N N O U N C E M E N T:[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][I]For this week's discussion, I'm focusing on the secondary plots so I'm asking this; as the Secondary Plots are well underway, what drew you to the one you've decided to join in with? Alternatively, why did you decide to pursue a solo story with your character instead. What sort of plots are you hoping for in the next round and are there elements of Vigilance you feel are either under or over used in the plots? [/I][/INDENT] [/quote] [i]*Lounges.*[/i] So, Vernon isn't necessarily a vigilante type. He's very on the fence about helping people out sometimes but, it just so happens that the plot area for Dark Necessities is very close to his favorite grocery store-- A threat to Super E Mart is a threat to Vernon. That and the fact that the paramedics and emergency services are stretched thin, kind of got the idea in his head he could put his skills to use, in some kind of way. Really, his involvement is very territorial, and he has no idea what he's even going to do but, he hopes it involves punching, whoever is setting fires, clean in their stupid [b]mouth[/b]. Personally, I wanted to put my character in a plot that was near where he stayed and also one that he isn't necessarily useful in. What's he going to do against fires? Fan them to death? He would be an asset to the current raid on the fake-cops because of the old school military skills-- he would especially be an asset in beating up a bunch of gangsters because that's almost second nature to him. I wanted him to be put in a situation where he'd have to improvise, be forced to meet and potentially work with new people, and have to interact with others beyond tactical planning. He's got to break out of his isolated shell and I figured something that will test him or go wrong would be the best way. EDIT: [s]I READ IT I SWEAR[/s] --As for upcoming plots... uh. I dunno! I'll have to put a lot of thought into it. There's a lot of potential for a lot of thins. Also, for stuff being over or under used: I feel it's a bit too early to call things that yet. Stuff's just getting started.