[u][b]Regis Dimitrios[/b][/u] Regis lightly rubbed his eyes as Monty regaled him with his hobbies. He listened closely, but there was one thing that Regis had found strange for a while now. Colours. Very light colours that were not blindingly obvious, but still noticeable. It was as if he stared at a bright light for too long, and the afterimage of a blotch lied etched in his vision. Except it was around other people, and [i]only[/i] other people. With considerable concern, he wondered if his eyes were going bad. He rubbed his eyes again, glancing back at Monty. It still remained. It seemed to grow in intensity as his new partner began to delve a bit deeper into his interests. It was difficult to make out distinctly, Regis might describe the colour as orange-ish, yet it transformed into more of a reddish-orange as he became increasingly 'excited' (in Monty's own words) in his description. Regis tried not to be distracted from what he was saying, although the colours did prove to be somewhat disconcerting, he made sure to review what his partner was saying. He likes cooking, gardening, motorcycles, comic books, some crime show called Statutes and Organization. Grew up in Maefeld. Has a twin sister called Felicity and a friend called Nancy. Regis nodded along to all of this as Monty finished. Wait! Now his colour turned red! ... Wait, no, that was just the boy's cheeks. Adorable. "Sorry, you probably didn't need a rant. I just get really excited sometimes. So, what are you interested in Regis? Any hobbies?" "Hm?" For some reason he hadn't been expecting any questions in return, so this threw him a bit off guard. Probably focusing too much on these bizarre colours that he was only just becoming more and more aware of. "Oh, uh. Well..." "Here you go," Regis jumped a bit as a voice beside him called out. Regis twisted his neck to the side, and saw the man from before holding out a water bottle to him. He too had a colour. Straining his eyes, Regis managed to make a light brown-ish substance surrounding him. Regis was not sure why, but it felt bizarrely... friendly? No matter. Regis grabbed the water with a bit more force than necessary, quickly opening it up and downing it like a man lost in the desert who just stumbled upon an oasis. Consuming all the water in impressive speed, he shoved the bottle back to the man. "Phew, about damn ti... uh..." Regis began, but trailed off. The man's colour was no longer 'friendly'. It turned into quite a distinctive sharp red, that seemed to flare the very second he managed a couple words out. A far easily distinguishable colour than before. "I mean. Thank you! I meant thanks. Yep. Thanks." "No... problem?" The man blinked. The redness seemed to dull, morphing into a bizarre blend of colours that he could only describe as 'pure confusion'. "Right. Yep. Anyway, hobbies." He looked back to Monty. "Reading, mostly! My parents basically bought an entire library for some reason -- we could easily afford that, you see -- so I spent a lot of time there. Some interest in fashion. Taught myself to sew. Taught myself a lot of things. Knot-tying, cartography, calligraphy, tracking, woodcarving, photography, lock picking, hairstyling, yo-yos, chess, and... some other things. Never know when you'll find yourself stranded on an uninhabited island! Everyone needs survival skills! Been a while since I've done some of those, though. Used to have a lot of time to myself." An inordinately large amount of time. They finally made it to their room, and was explained to them by the volunteers. It was decent enough. Much better than the absolute hell of the previous year, at least. An elective sheet was also handed to them, and Regis found he was lost on what to choose. "Do you want one?" Monty held out pencil. Regis already had a pen in his blazer pocket, but he took it anyway. "Cheers. So, uh, what electives are you going for? Not that I need help deciding, I'm very decisive. The most decisivist." That was not a word. "I am just... curious! Yes, curious."