I don't know about the title. It was a little quickly thought up. It works I suppose. I might change it if the story goes somewhere. It does refer to the theme of the story, though. This story is set to be in the world that we know. I want it to be at least semi-realistic. The world, as we know it, is unjust, gritty and ugly, and some people just won't stand for it. To some people enough is enough, and my character is one of those people. He might be somewhat crazy. He might have seen too many superhero movies. Either way he's making a stand and trying his hands at the superhero business. Well, he's making the most of it, being a regular human being, and having the clothes and tools that are available to us in our everyday society, which naturally isn't a whole lot. Certainly none of the fancy stuff you see in the Marvel movies. Whether your characters are as crazy and suicidal and trying out something similar or more sensible, regular people is up to you. I just want to be believeable, so no superpowers or superhero costumes like the sort you'd see in any of those movies. Look to something like Kick-Ass for reference. You could have pretty stellar fighting skills, as it is humanly possible, and with a suitable explanation you could have some pretty neat weapons and gear as well, if you like. Give it some thought. What would be a sensible way to go about it if you wanted to make a habit out of taking on bad guys? Keep in mind that law-enforcement doesn't condone that sort of thing, and you probably will be persecuted every bit as much as the ruffians, if not more. Not that your character has to be totally sensible. It probably isn't the most sensible idea to come up with. Well, let me know what you think. I might start this thing out regardless of shown interest, but it would still be nice to know if I have someone along for the ride, however short and fatal it may prove to be...