[u]Sanctuary Station Concordat Civilian Hub[/u] Sendema was not well suited to waiting. Her two Star Chamber fellows, Joren and Kedal, seemed perfectly happy to sit around and chat idly over the local network, but Sendema could hardly sit still. The Tremarian ships had reached the station, and one was on final approach, and she just wanted the whole thing to be over with. Perhaps she wasn't as comfortable with the expected proposal as she thought. As if reading her thoughts (which he couldn't given the quality of her cyber-neural security), Joren looked over at her and pinged for a com link. She accepted, more out of a need for something to do than any desire to actually speak with him. [i]"Having doubts Sendema?"[/i] His voice spoke in her mind, touched with a hint of sarcasm. Joren wasn't her biggest fan in the Star Chamber. Supporters of Ademnon had gotten him attached to her party to represent their interests, so she was just going to have to put up with him. [i]"Of course not,"[/i] summoning a haughty attitude that her implants would accurately convey to his. [i]"They want converts, we'll give them converts. Call it a cultural exchange. I can think of two dozen Concorded I know personally who would leap at the chance. It's not like they can force us to actually follow their hokey religion."[/i] Joren smiled condescendingly. [i]"Goodness, I didn't realise I'd touched a nerve. Well, so long as you're so firm in your convictions, I'm sure this encounter will be just dandy."[/i] Sendema bit off a sharp retort as the airlock emitted a tone signalling a good seal. The Tremarians were here. Two corvettes locked into the airlocks of Sanctuary station, each proudly wearing the flag of the Tremarian Union. Inside these corvettes were two near exact teams, each with a standard squad of Draon and Klek units, four Rothan high guards, and one diplomat. On the first corvette was the Priestess of Affairs and on the second was Commander As'salia, who was personally sent by the Priestess of Force. Both were wearing earpieces that would allow them to communicate to each other and the representatives from the Concordat, translating languages almost seamlessly as they spoke. "Welcome to Sanctuary," Sendema said as the Tremarians emerged from the airlocks into the waiting lounge. Her words were slow and slightly slurred, the result of not actually speaking out loud very often. "I am Sendema, representing the Star Chamber of the Concordat. My associates, Kedal and Joren." She gestured at her companions. Kedal gave a small, polite bow. Joren just nodded. They all avoided looking at the Tremarian guards. The Concordat delegation had no escort, partially because this was their station, partially because they felt they didn't need one. Sendema herself was linked to all the hidden weapon emplacements in the room; she could activate them and rain fire on the Tremarians with just a thought. Hopefully that wouldn't be necessary. She smiled at the Tremarians, an awkward, force looking expression that seemed out of place on her face. The Priestess gave her own formal smile in return, nodding as she did. "Thank you for allowing us into your station, Sendema". She said, extending a hand to her side and beckoning at As'salia. "This is Commander As'salia, representing the arm of force, and I am The Priestess of Affairs, I will be handling our relations and deals on behalf of the High Priestess". At almost the same time, both Rothans gave a small bow. As'salia found her eyes wandering, looking over the plain looking interior. It was very white and very organised, much different to what she was used too. The lack of decoration and variety of colour certainly made her feel uneasy, as if she were speaking to actual robots. She focused back onto the Concordats delegates and the Klek and Draon behind her looked around, with much less subtlety. "Very good," Sendema said. "This way please." She began moving purposefully down the hall. The delegation followed her into some kind of lift car, which quickly took off into featureless tube. And then, quite abruptly, they were suddenly overlooking what appeared to be a bustling city, resting peacefully under a pale blue sky and a brilliant sun. Closer observation would would reveal the sun and sky to be mere projections masking the massive dome that stretched at least five kilometres across. The approach to Sanctuary had shown there were four other similar modules spread evenly around a central ring, but it had been impossible to know what beauty was contained inside them. And the city was beautiful. Graceful arching towers stretched 'skywards'. A park with a lake filled the centre of the space. Trees were everywhere. Joren smiled slightly. "All the comforts of planetary life." Sendema just scowled. The lift continued to carry them up the wall of the dome until it reached the very apex, then slipped into the ceiling. Despite the dome's great size, the entire trip had lasted less than a minute. The lift deposited them into a much smaller dome, this one made entirely of glass. Below, the city sprawled under their feet. Above was the vastness of space, with Jalaryias dominating the view. A large table with a number of chairs sat in the centre of the room A selection of refreshments and decanters of water were arranged to one end of the table. "Please, be seated," Sendema said slowly, as she herself took a chair. Once they were all sitting, she spoke again. "I will be direct, as I'm not very good with pleasantries. The Aurollian Federation is a threat to all that the Concordat has accomplished. I-We intend to take action against that threat, and we would like your help." One minute was more than enough time for the Priestess and Commander to take in the sights of the artificial yet beautiful interior of the station, which was much different and more comforting than the plain white walls they had seen before, not that comfort was a priority. A majority of the delegations armed forces had stayed instead of getting in the elevator, only the two high guards and a couple of Draon having joined them in the lift up to the top. They didn't need that many soldiers in a meeting, an important meeting. Besides, they were more for show. Both Delegates knew that the small force wouldn't be able to hold out against the whole stations defences and security which far outnumbered them. Both the Priestess and As'salia were confident that nothing would happen anyway as that would be an act of war and they were sure that was not in the interests of the Concordat. When they got in there the Draon stood at the edge of the room with the high guards while As'salia and the Priestess sat down at the table. Both of them looked at each other after Sendema spoke. As'salia spoke first, turning back towards her. "Before the Union commits itself to anything, I'd like to know what kind of action your going to take. Are you planning on a full scale war, or something smaller?" "It may well come to a full scale war," Sendema said casually. No point beating around the bush. "A military alliance would be beneficial to the Union as well," Kedal said in her soft voice. "There are those among the moons who do not appreciate the culture of Tremara as we do." "A military alliance could well deter those who do not appreciate our ways" As'salia spoke, but paused for a second as she looked upon the Concordats representatives. "But I'm afraid the Church will want something more in return for military cooperation". "If I had to guess, I would say pilgrims. Converts." Sendema certainly did not dance around the issue. Kedal, ever the more diplomatic, sent her a neural glare. "What Sendema means is that many of the Concorded have an intense interest in Tremara, and would welcome the opportunity to visit your world and learn your ways," she interjected. Sendema shrugged indifferently. "That's another way of putting it, yes." Joren remained silent. As'salia found herself smiling softly as Kedal attempted to make the exchange sound less unpleasant. She knew what they were doing, and it seemed so did Sendema, and she didn't much bother with how it sounded. "The church would appreciate that very much". She said. "We also would like to be safe in the knowledge that the Concordat would not interfere or comment on the work of any of our Missionary's". Sendema was a little more cautious on this one. "We would certainly not to presume to interfere with your missionaries' work abroad. In our own territory, they would be subject to the same laws as anyone else, but otherwise free to do as they please." "We like to let people do what they want," Joren interjected after staying silent for so long, "but we won't tolerate violence, extortion, or harassment on our stations, from anyone." It was evidently important to him to get this point across. He might not be able to stop the deal, but he evidently had no intention of letting Tremarian missionaries convert Concordat citizens at knife point. As'salia nodded. "Of course, we would not break your laws in your territory" she spoke slowly, "But when we aren't, and when we are enlightening others beyond your control, we would appreciate the Concordat not involving themselves in it". "Of course." Sendema answered authoritatively. Joren looked like he was going to argue the point for a second, but in the end he remained silent. Sendema took this as a cue to drive the offer home, and abandoned all pretence. "As a gesture of good faith, we would like to send a delegation of Concorded back to Tremara with you; the first converts. They'll have to be volunteers, at least at first. We'll call it a cultural exchange initiative. They'll stay for, perhaps six months, and then return to us or stay with the Union according to their own desires. Additional shipments of converts would be sent every month, but we'll need to tell them they'll have a choice about staying if we're going to get any cooperation. How does that sound?" Kedal's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets as Sendema laid down the bargain in such brazen terms. Joren frowned slightly, but otherwise offered no comment. He'd made his arguments in the Star Chamber and lost, he was only here now to make sure things didn't get completely out of control. Evidently he didn't think he could dispute Sendema's offer and win. Sendema herself wasn't concerned. Oh, a few Concorded might choose to stay on Tremara, but they would be the wishy washy sort she had no use for. No, the vast majority would return, she was confident of that. Let the Tremarians preach and postulate all they wanted; true Concorded would return home. As'salia nodded. "I respect how you don't step around things, Sendema". She spoke softly and then looked over the rest of them, knowing that they weren't the same. She could tell that they weren't all as happy to be making the deal as she and Sendema were, but neither she nor the Priestess really cared. "The church graciously accepts your offer, and we would like to propose one of our own, covert Military support in your operations on the moon of Tarin". All three Concorded were visibly pleased by the offer, even if some weren't happy about its price. "Thank you Commander As'salia. It's settled then," Sendema said officiously. "We'll send word to our senior officer on Tarin of your forthcoming support. It will take perhaps a day to find volunteers to return with you to Tremara. In the meantime, please enjoy our hospitality. I'm told garden worlders find Sanctuary quite pleasant." "Thank you very much, Sendema, I look forward to our Nations future relationship"