[@Lucian] I'm very very inexperienced with K-Pop and other things of its kind. But I'm almost guaranteeing it's a similar reason people like wrestling. It's cheesy, and people love their cheese. I only really know of two K-Pop songs I like. Really, if you like pop music in general...it's pretty much the same kind of brainless fun/electronica you'd get anywhere else. Also just like the Japanese thinking speaking English sounds cool, some may like the language barrier. Some people like the concept of learning about others cultures, so they can get engulfed in them. Least my two cents. I'll start light with a music question, What exactly is the appeal of "Post" genre. Post-Rock for instance, I've yet to really wrap my head around bands like it. Exactly what does it do unique to other genres...and what would you do to convince people that it was a genre worth listening to?