[@Wraithblade6][@kishin asura][@supertinyking] B-00F, Also known as Frojund, jumped a bit at the sudden shift in reality that had taken place. The myriad of new senses, sights, and experiences taking place all at once rendering his mind incapable to fully processing the information set before him in just the limited time it had taken for him to appear in a chair before the beings that had summoned him most likely at a distance from them rather than directly across the table. The rather large, reptilian creature was shirtless, displaying the creme coloration along his stomach and chest scales, trailing off into the rather poof-y, brown pants tied about his waist via some cordage at the top and the twine of his foot wraps at the bottom. His pants appeared to be made of some sort of rough, thick material suggesting burlap or even hemp with a looseness around his thighs and waist for what little comfort could be afforded to him with a hole in the back for his tail. His feet were more akin to taloned claws, leaning much more towards a bestial nature rather than humanoid as did the rest of him, which meant what served as shoes were more akin to armored foot wrappings than shoes as one would know them made of the same rough material as his pants along with some bits of leather or what might have been thin chitin depending on the observer. Despite his sized, the eye was most likely naturally drawn towards the blackened metal cuffs around his wrists, while the chain was looped around his neck to keep his hands out of the way and prevent him from simply pulling apart the chain with all that strength that seemed to radiate from his visage due to the tightly packed muscle rippling along his body. Frojund's first inclination was to look around, ignoring the demon briefly while small emissions of border-line magical nature were detected from him, a thin aura of chill surrounding him in order to even out his internal temperature due to the most likely excruciatingly hot climate of what one would assume hell to be. Unless of course this was the sort of hell that would be actual torture akin to attempting to step foot into bureaucracy of the highest degree without even filling out the proper requisite entry forms needed to attempt a beginning. In which case he simply adjusted slightly, shifting his hands close together so the chain around his neck could loosen, along his inhuman-ly large tongue to slither forth from his mouth, scoop up the chain, and pull it back in. A large screech and tearing sound is likely what alerts those that had yet to notice him to his presence as his jaw snaps the chain shortly before his hands take turns removing the cuffs via simply breaking them off. To any that actually took the time to watch him, his motions were slow and meticulous, it quite obvious that he was in no rush to free himself or answer the questions which had been leveled at him by the demon. "I believe it would be the courteous for the host to introduce themselves first, however seeing as how this is definitely not home I'll hazard a guess and say that things function differently here?" He asks evenly, his voice deep as would befit his size while his gaze is measured and cold, some could even call it calculating. To any that were un-used to multiversal travel it would be quite clear as to the "gift of tongues" that comes with the territory as the language he uses is either complicated or long-winded, yet what is heard is plain English, leading it to sounding like he's speaking rather slowly when in reality it is their perception of what he's saying that is too fast for his intended speech. This also had the side effect of a "bad lip-sync" effect in which those gathered could see his mouth moving yet it might take a few milliseconds before they could actually hear what was said.