Nielson Labs Academy a school created and ran by Yajima Trading the leading expert on plavsky particles. The school accepts only the brightest and most creative of gunpla builders and puts them in a situation in which they must reforge themselves and create forth a gunpla that is unique to them and them only. Nielson labs academy forces students to use fresh out of the box gunpla and pass rigorous tests in which they must prove that they have what it takes for the academy. Upon entering they are given everything they can possibly need to succeed kits in which to imporve, repair, or add parts to their gunpla. Teachers and assistants out to aid the students in their endeavors to a wholesome education provided by the Labs staff as well so they are nourishing their mind and their gunpla. Similar to Gunpla academy they boast the best of the best and there is little doubt to their claim. This is a gundam build fighters rp in which it takes place after Build fighters anime and the OVA. I ask that if you join you start off with a basic gundam but over time you will be able to customize it to your liking. With that said there is a few rules I would like to get across first and foremost respect people and their decisions. Second no power modding your unit to which no matter what all the attacks hit etc. Second if you have a problem please bring it up and I will get back to you so we can discuss it. Finally have fun with the rp the main of it is to have fun afterall. [hider=Char Sheet] Name: Age: Gender: Apperance Nationality: Favourite Gundam Series: Personality: History: Gunpla Info unit name scale:1/144 weapons [/hider] NOTE NO Build Figthers kit since this is a build fighters rp those are being used by the actual characters sorry