[u]Several Hours later, Unknown Location in Yarosmere.[/u] "We have good news, and we have bad news." Sahra began. The College students had all been rounded up and taken to the back of the cave system, where the two leaders of the Resistance were waiting. "The good news is that we know where your friends are and we can get you to them fairly quickly. It's also highly likely that none of you will be harmed by the 'King' as he invited you here in the first place. Regardless, we'll have soldiers in place to help if anything goes incredibly wrong." She smiled reassuringly. "It probably won't though. Even he's not crazy enough to piss off the world's largest source of master mages." Mak spoke next. "The bad news is that to get close to him without being grilled by the guards, or worse Yolin, it has to look like you didn't just have a fun time eating most of our supplies," He looked pointedly at Baulder, "or wandering around the caves. Which means we're going to have to beat you. Not severely, but enough that it looks like you put up a fight and didn't answer any of our questions. Then, we'll drop you outside the the palace and you'll be taken to the medical ward and then to the dinner with the King. This will be the first time you or your friends have met him. Be on your guard. He hides his madness and cruelty behind a powerful degree of charm. Don't let him fool you. He would just as soon skin you alive as treat you as a guest. If anything goes wrong, break one of these emblems." He slid a few black stones across the table. They seemed to absorb the light, and were cold to the touch. "They'll alert Sahra that you need help, and she'll send us in." He waved a dismissive hand. "THat's only if it all goes wrong though. It's far more likely you'll have to stomach sitting with a monster, and then be sent on your merry way the next day to describe the situation to the college. Any questions?" [u]Sansar, Yarosmere[/u] "I'm sure you're all tired and hungry from the days events, so sit, eat, reenergize yourself!" Yolin declared, ushering them into a room. They had spent the last few hours going from room to room as Yolin droned on about what each purpose served, and the staff there. He was very excited about it, for a reason Aramir couldn't fathom. It had all nearly bored her to death. Regardless, food was being wheeled in in small plates. "You'll be eating with the King soon, so do try not to fill up. These are just pick me ups, something to wake you up and energize yourselves. THere are washrooms to your left if you'd like to freshen up. I'll be back to collect you after a while." With that, Yolin turned on his heel and left, presumably to go make sure the King's dinner service would be ready and perfect. Aramir looked around, disinterestedly glancing at the food left by the staff. "Well. The people seem very happy under this King's rule. Aside from the bloodsport, fanaticism, and genocide of an entire race, he doesn't seem to be doing that bad of a job." She offered to their small group. [i]Althalus, Nox[/i] [color=00aeef]"Gee, I wonder why. It can't be because you appeared out of nowhere in this treachero-wait where are you going? The other group is dead or dying!"[/color] Althalus called after Darell and Annabeth as they both headed into the shadows. He cursed, reluctantly following Helena as the two of them walked towards the sounds of death and murder. Silence grew and stretched out as they approached, making Althalus nervous. Silence was never good after something that sounded as violent as that. It usually meant that whoever had won wasn't going to be distracted by its victims anymore. Much to his surprise, there were still survivors. Less survivors by the second, he noted as a corpse flew over head and splattered into a nearby wall. Althalus idly stepped the side as Helena stepped back, waving a hand forward and through her in a gesture towards the beast. [color=00aeef]"Nitemare. Nasty little bastards. Teleportation, prehensile tails with knives on the end of them, and all the power of a warhorse behind those horns. We have an idiot who ran into here blind, a boy with a rapier, Annabeth, Colette, and you. Grab my knives and stay back. Annabeth has the training to not be gutted by this thing, and Colette should be fast enough not to be. Hopefully Daren or whatever his name was knows something other than 'run blindly in' and rapier boy over there didn't just get lucky. Do try not to hit our friends with my knives. They're very expensive and would go straight into vital organs. I'll go see what I can do, seeing as I'm about as solid as a wall of fog."[/color]