[hider=Aviva Dira Nefili] [center][color=0072bc]Name[/color] Aviva Dira Nefili [color=00aeef]Age [/color] 16 [color=a0410d]Appearance[/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/47/b2/c2/47b2c2fcef3ae617ca4b7e447f9034b3.jpg[/img] Aviva stands at a height of 6'1''. . . A strong build with skinny muscles. He is pretty strong though in a normal sense of speaking. He has darker skin for he is from Middle Eastern Heritage. His eye's black sometimes very dark brown seeming to some. His eyes are very gentle and mysterious. As they reflect everything he looks at. Dark brown hair that curls widely. [color=0072bc]Talent[/color] Nature , Light, Healing [hider=Grimoire] [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/129/f/0/the_grimoire____by_alexlibris999-d7hqznn.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=f7941d] First Spells [/color] [color=1a7b30] Nature [/color] Causing a seed to sprout 'S'sarg' [color=aba000]Light[/color] - Being able to focus sun rays in a certain spot (To cause fires or an object to heat up) 'Yar di" [color=00746b]Healing[/color] - Healing small wounds / not letting them get infected 'Ht' L eah' [color=92278f]Personality[/color] Aviva is a very laid-back gentle guy at first appearance might come off quiet and approachable. He is a very approachable character indeed. He always has a smile across his face and he tries to respect others as much as he can. Once in comfortable positions with you he will show a more humour toned attitude and maybe talking a little more. He is very kind hearted and a fragile speaker. But....don'to't let the kindness fool you. Aviva can have a temper if in the right situation. Usually not having a temper unless somebody is hurting somebody else. He can also be very pushing away not wanting people to get to close to him. He is usually a good collected person with himself and others. Very outgoing as well. [color=ec008c]History [/color] Aviva grew up in an extremely dysfunctional household which didn't help they had money problems. A stay at home mother that cleaned the whole house from top to bottom each day, made all meals, made dessert, and even did the yard work till Aviva was old enough to help her round the house especially the yard and fixing up the house. Aviva's father was very rude, disrespectful and was the one to raise his hand to a child or a woman any time he was upset, wrong, or not in the right. He tried to talk his mother out of leaving running away from the abusive man that locked them into a life they didn't deserve. His mother always rejected for fear she would be found and sent back to him if she tried running away. From age 14 to now, Aviva has been stealing a little extra cash every time he was able to get to his father's wallet. He was preparing to run away forever and start a new life without or with his mother. He wanted her to come though she wouldn't and he knew that. At least she never told on him for stealing she always protected Aviva till he got to the age of 15 when he wouldn't let her any more. The night he ran away and found the shop where a new interesting life began was the night him and his father got into the worst fight of his life.Bruises, screaming and things breaking. At least it wasn't bones. Aviva's mother was crying while the whole thing happened. Aviva's father slammed him against the door, and they tumbled out side. Aviva got away from his father then ran out into the dark. It was raining and by the time he was intact with the shop he was soaking wet and horrible looking. It was the only shop that had an opened sign at the time he was around so he entered and there it began. [/center] [/hider]