Steel kept his arms crossed as Azure spoke to him, his manic tendencies made him come off as one who had completely lost any sanity they could have had in their life. It was hard to say that Steel much cared about helping him in his departure for it was not to be that way just yet, however if he was seeking truth the Steel could give him a dose of truth that might just throw him off his rocker completely. Steel took a couple steps forward as he tilted his head, his eye's glowed a golden for just a split second and then stopped as he looked at Azure, it was almost like he was looking straight through him, looking deeper then any human could, before long he spoke. [b]"Surely you know that everything is lie... truth is nothing more then a mere word stringed together, five letters that alone hold no meaning or purpose. Truth in itself is the biggest lie of them all just like order. Order like truth is an illusion that is put over our eye's so that we are blind to the things that were not suppose to see. Two words that we use to try and justify an existence that is without any meaning or purpose. How long have you searched for something that does not exist? How long have you tricked yourself into believing that there is truth anywhere? There is only one constant in the life we live and that is to die. Only then when we die do we find truth, for in this world in this life there is only lies. Do you understand now Azure, do you see that the truth is a lie and always will be?"[/b] Steel uncrossed his arms as he put them down by his sides and kept his eye's trained on Azure.