[hider=Kay'Gan Kikio] [center] [h1][color=ed1c24]K[/color]ay'Gan [color=ed1c24]K[/color]ikio[/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3b/99/56/3b995667b4226073e0901e92933bfeaf.jpg[/img] [/center] [b][color=ed1c24]R[/color]ace[/b] Human [b][color=ed1c24]A[/color]ge [/b]30 [b][color=ed1c24]G[/color]ender[/b] Male [b][color=ed1c24]S[/color]exual [color=ed1c24]O[/color]rientation[/b] Just don't tempt me with a divine time. [b][color=ed1c24]E[/color]quipment[/b] A beautiful light blade that is stained with blood. Silver and white shines as he always is cleaning it and keeping it up to date. Also, his normal clothing that he wears. White silk with silver trimming on the clothing. Loose fitting with air ways to keep cool. Kay'Gan always loved traveling light especially what his occupation was. [b][color=ed1c24]A[/color]ttunement/[color=ed1c24]e[/color]nhancements[/b] Fire [b][color=ed1c24]U[/color]nique [color=ed1c24]A[/color]bility[/b] Combustion & Sparks [b][color=ed1c24]P[/color]ersonality[/b] Kay'Gan is a very lively soul. Mostly his personality is calm, laid back and quiet. Though Kay'Gan can set personas for himself. He seems to have set personality for different people, different times, and in different places. A two-faced person yet it is in an innocent way. Don't let this kind hearted snake fool you, though. He can be very different if you push the right buttons right at the right time. Kay'Gan does have some sort of a mental disability with his personality. If you ever watch him, you can see he's a complete 'mirror'. A mirror to the emotion another person feels. He will start feeling it himself if he looks at you long enough. (P.S. Kay'Gan might never stare certain people in the eyes or make eye contact at all for he knows he has this problem.) [b] [color=ed1c24]B[/color]io[/b] How and where did Kay'Gan's powers come from and when did those hot flames erupt? Oh, it happened a long time ago. . . Kay'Gan grew up in a terrible household. His father abusive and his mother caring and kind. Two younger siblings were born after him. He always protected him and started taking the blame for everything they would mess up on. His mother he started to take the blame for her. But, it always seemed as his father didn't care if Kay'Gan lied...Only if he could hit somebody...that somebody was Kay'Gan. It didn't last long. Kay'Gan was going to school now. Middle school seventh grade and he was thirteen years old. Teachers started noticing the bruises on his arms, face, body were getting worse some days then disappearing and fading the next. They called Social Services on Kay'Gan's parents. Being behind mother when she opened the door that night. When they dragged him and his two younger siblings out into the front yard. Father got home....mother screaming. Kay'Gan couldn't take it. All the emotions building up that he has locked down deep inside. The air started to spark round him. "It's not fair!" He screamed as the flashes of light happened. Spark...SPARK...SPARK! The combustion of heated hair and flames went everywhere. Burning the one's closest to him. He burnt the social servicemen(the two of them), burnt his sibling and burn his father. At that moment Kay'Gan looked at everyone's fear in their expression and ran. As he ran, he looked back though he knew he couldn't be accepted by his family anymore. [b]Year later[/b] - Kay'Gan was towns and cities over from where his parents lived. Living in a bad part of a city he stayed there working any job for money. Kay'Gan got himself into the underground tunnels...the dark allies and the hidden whispers of others telling him what to do. [b]5 years later[/b] - They created a monster. An assassin craving blood. Making his own work Kay'Gan made his own living now. Prices on people's heads, killing anything anybody wanted him too...except he couldn't harm innocent women...or children that didn't deserve the death that people paid. He put restrictions upon what he wouldn't and would do. Kay'Gan started gaining respect for the crime bosses and every criminal that knew his name. Finally, he was able to be something and not just a beggar on the street and he kept it that way. Kay'Gan didn't usually get messed up or ever question to a murder. Though that regretful day he stepped into the house he uses to live in. That night he wanted revenge on the man that made him like this. That abused him and his family. Made him look like a freak in front of the ones he loved and the government. He stepped into his parent's room that night. His mother with the white hair he bore and the pale skin he genetically got from her. He stared at her and watched her for a few moments before going and looking at his two younger siblings. Examine how they turned out they seemed fine in their sleep. That's when he realized they would be fine without the male called father. Kay'Gan went back into that master bedroom and assassinated his biological father. Not the one he cared to even call father anymore or say they were related. He woke his mother, and Kay'Gan made it so she didn't look to the other side of the bed. He told her what his sins were for that night and he was doing totally fine. She was scared of Kay'Gan and she called the police. Kay'Gan was grabbed by his mother, and it took ten minutes to get away from her without hurting her that badly he didn't want to hurt her. He loved his mother. The police then arrived and that's when he was arrested for the killing of his father and two police officers. Two weeks later - Kay'Gan was sentenced life in prison and that's when his journey on the Alcatraz began. . . 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