Charlotte didn’t need to be told that trouble was heading their way. Instead of them going to the trouble, from the pattern and noise, it was more than obvious that whatever it was was coming to them, and from the sounds and the snapping of trees in the distance, it was [i]massive.[/i] The golden-haired girl had wished to scout ahead and see for herself what the problem was, but now, it gave her pause. [b]“Ah…” [/b] Then it finally came into view. A massive, towering beast that had nothing but sheer bloodlust. A rift beast. It took all of Charlotte’s strength to keep herself rooted and facing towards the monster and to not flee. Their traveling companion had summoned her own God of War; large, but in comparison to the beast before them, it too was but a toy. Her pale skin grew all the whiter as she gripped her blade, finally mustering the mental energy to draw it. If the rift beast had covered that much distance since they felt that feeling of dread, they would never be able to escape. In other words, they were backed into a corner. No matter how much she wanted to retreat, they would have to fight. She dropped into a defensive stance, more slowly than she would have liked. [b]“There’s nowhere to run. We’ll… have to fight.” [/b] The best strategy would be to fight it from cover in the trees. It wasn’t much, but it was better than nothing. From the short ranged distance she had, Charlotte could attack with small shockwave attacks with her sword without resorting to revealing her vampiric talents, but she didn’t want to draw attention to herself, especially with Lillet’s God of War being a viable tank. [b]“Lillet! Draw it to the side of the road! We’re going to need cover if the rest of us can even think of matching that… thing.”[/b]