[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/V06RNxj.png[/img][/center] [b][code]The Canadian Wilderness_[/code][/b][hr][hr] A fleet of stealth helicopters marked the night sky... below them was forest after forest. On the side of the helicopters had the symbol of the ZODIAC group. They quickly approached their destination; a massive mansion in the middle of nowhere. The sides of one of the helicopters opened up to reveal the gigantic frame of Sovereign... the man in black, skin-tight armor, weaved almost like muscles. "Don't start firing until I give the order," Sovereign spoke over the comms. "This is a [i]peaceful[/i] operation after all." "Affirmative." Every member of ZODIAC spoke in perfect unison. "Now...." Sovereign said before he reached behind himself to pull out a massive light machine gun. They had arrived right above the mansion. "... Begin." Rappel lines came down from the helicopters, as the dark armored members of ZODIAC came flying down from them. They all took position on every side of the building, near the windows. Primed to insert. "... Begin tactical insertion." At that moment, the ZODIAC soldiers kicked off the side of the building, and swung in through the windows. Causing loud crashes as the soldier's eyes glowed a bright red color. Screams erupted out of surprise as they were quickly dispatched by a quick blow, or were hit with a taser dart. "Everyone get on the ground!" A ZODIAC soldier shouted in an electronically distorted manner as they charged through the building with their weapons primed. They made sure to secure every inch of the place, and that everyone was accounted for. One ZODIAC soldier kicked down a door, and aimed their weapons in a room full of [i]children.[/i] "Nobody move!" The soldier said. And in a matter of moments, the entire mansion of secure. Every single person inside were lined up against the walls on their knees. With their hands behind their back, and a power suppressant collar around their necks. Everyone was scared out of their minds - and with good reason. They were being attacked by the infamous ZODIAC terrorist group. It was a little while before Soverign made his grand appearance, he walked down the hallway alongside the prisoners. His large, intimidating, figure brought fear to the men, women, and children that were being held hostage. But, he was walking alongside someone. Someone whom not even [i]he[/i] expected would be coming in person. The Foundation Woman. The two approached a large door that said "JAME's QUARTERS," and Sovereign slowly pushed it open. He took point in case of a sneak attack, but the humble room was empty except for one man. The burning fireplace next to the man illuminated his features. He was thin, average-heighted, and had well-groomed black hair. Lounging in a chair, with another chair across from it, and a table in between them. Sovereign waited by the door as The Foundation Woman placed down a chess set on the table, and sat down in the chair across from his. She crossed her legs, and looked at James with a smile on her face. "You know, the Family never found you in the decades they were looking for you," The Foundation Woman said. "But, it took me a few months to actually pin you down. That means I'm just that good, or you must really be slipping up." She pointed at the chess table. "Oh, mind playing a game of chess with me... James?" "Your voice..." James said, "... You're the Foundation Woman?" "Oh?" The Foundation Woman mouthed out of surprise. "Then that means we can skip introductions and all?" She asked as she leaned back. "What do you want?" James seethed. "James, James, James..." The Foundation Woman said, putting her hand up. "Why the hostility? I'm here on a peace mission... I don't intend on spilling one drop of blood." "Oh, but all the blood you spilled before is perfectly okay?" James asked. "It's all means to an end... you know that better than anyone," The Foundation Woman said, leaning in towards James. "The Philosophers, ZODIAC... we all have the same goals, right?" James sneered. "Helping people? Seeing the bigger picture? No?" The Foundation Woman raised an eyebrow. "I was thinking of a mutual alliance between us... you help us, we help you..." "I would much rather die!" James shouted as he slammed his fist on the arm of his chair. "... Oh, we both know that won't happen anytime soon," The Foundation Woman said, "But, listen to me James... bad things are coming, and you and me are the only people who could stop it." The Foundation Woman shrugged as she playfully moved a chess piece in her hands. "And we know the thing that would solve [i]all[/i] of our problems..." James grasped onto the arms of his chair tightly, as he realized just [i]what[/i] the Foundation Woman was after. [i]"... Where is the Sui generis code?" [/i] [hr][b][code]Unknown_[/code][/b] In a place far away from civilization, there was a woman sitting on the edge of a cliff. Meditating with her legs folded, and her hands lightly placed on her knees. The chill from the air ruffled her outfit, and she was coated in a layer of snow. The woman was fair-skinned, with a face covered in freckles. However, her black outfit covered a vast majority of her being. From her hat, to her long robe. With her eyes covered with a wrap, she pointed a finger towards the sky. With her hand close to her face. "... Tell me world..." The woman trailed off. "Just [i]what[/i] is heading our way...?" She asked, seemingly no one in particular. However, a moment passed, and she shook her head. "Why...?" She asked, letting out a sigh as she put her hands back on her knees. "Why can't I see anything?" "... Maybe because your precious world got tired of telling you everything!" The woman let out an exclaim of surprise, as she whipped around towards the voice. "You rely on it too much, and you breed weakness." "... Megan." The woman hissed. "Oh! So you do remember me!? I'm so glad I was committed to memory," The tall woman with frizzy red hair walked through the snow. Ill-dressed for being in the middle of nowhere. "I'm shocked." "So," The woman stood up to her feet. "Have you finally decided to turn back on your foolish ways?" "'Foolish ways?' You mean doing everything [i]but[/i] what you want me to do?" Megan smiled. "Sorry, but my fun is faaaaaaaaaaar from over." The woman shook her head. "Keep going down this path, you'll end up like your brother..." The woman answered. "Following fools, and locked in a cage because of it?" "Oh, Ignatius?" Megan laughed. "I'd say Ignatius had the right idea, all he wanted was [i]purpose[/i], and he found it!" The Woman stared at Megan as the red-haired woman climbed on a tree branch, and laid down on it. "... Better than sitting around in Russia, acting self-righteous, right?" Megan taunted the woman. "All because you got yourself a big head because of your so called 'redemption quest.' Best joke I ever heard!" The woman clenched her fists. ".... Verschlinger." The woman was surrounded with a dark-red energy that flowed like a gas, as she willed the branch Megan was lying on to come crumbling down. It took Megan a few moments to recover, but the Verschlinger was already on top of her. She hissed the next sentence with pure venom; "Daughter or not; [i]never[/i] call me by that name again." "Okay, okay, Ada!" Megan put her hands up. "You win." Ada turned off, she took a few steps away. She let out a sigh. "I let my anger guide me yet again..." Ada said. "I apologize for it." "It's okay..." Megan said as she hopped up, "But, there is a pressing matter I must discuss with you!" She said, as Ada came to a stop. "And that is?" "Well, the big thing is that times are changing... more boys and girls need someone like you to guide them than ever!" Megan started off, she stared at Ada's wraps over her face. "So, are you going to sit on the sidelines like you are, or are you going to take a stand?" This question was the one burning in Ada from the beginning... it caused her to go into a state of deep thought "I am worried about the future, Megan," Ada started off. "The world... it refuses to tell me about the future. What does that mean?" "Maybe it was what I sa-" "No," Ada said, "I can't see anything past the end of the year... only blackness. Does that mean there's nothing [i]to[/i] see?" "Maybe it means you're gonna die!" Megan cheerfully said. "I lasted this long already... I don't think there's [i]anything[/i] on this Earth that can kill me." "That's where you're wrong! Haha..." "I must take time to see the world... decide if it's time for me to take action." Ada said, as she looked up at the night sky. "I'll start with Baybridge, the world tells me that something will happen there." Then Ada took one step, and faced her daughter. "But, I must ask..." Ada started off, "... Who's side are [i]you[/i] on?" Megan smirked. "... The winning side, of course." [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cqQaf8o.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4BJWOpz.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CGfuTsW.png[/img][/center] [b][code]Greenflower Garden, Silver Hills_[/code][/b][hr][hr] "... Yeah, Lijuan is doing great." Meifeng spoke, in a very casual and roundabout manner. "She's having a very hard time adjusting, but I think she's better off with Jiao-Long. She's just.... feeling sad. But, honestly, we all are." Meifeng sighed. "Oh? My job? Yeah... RAVEN just isn't what it used to be. Funny, ain't it? Back in the day I would have killed to be a NEST agent. I used to think they were straight up superheroes in the flesh! But now... the Family changed everything, and I got to see RAVEN change right before my eyes. People... they just don't trust us anymore." She went silent for a few moments. "And it's all a mess, I thought it'd be easy going without the Family pulling all the strings from the shadows, but nah. Two more problems just replace one more. Ain't that crazy?!" She sighed one more time. "It's all a mess... I just wish I had your advice... your guidance. So I can fix it. Find Cindy. Bring her home." It all came together in an instant. Meifeng opened her eyes, and looked around. Far as the eye could see was gravestone after gravestone. She focused on the gravestone she was kneeling over, and saw the words that reminded her of her own failures. [quote][i][code]ZHAO LIHUA. 1972-2022.[/code][/i][/quote] [i]"... God, I miss you."[/i] [hr][b][code]RAVEN/DOVE Joint Headquarters, White Coast_[/code][/b] After that overly sentimental distraction, Meifeng knew it was finally time to check into work. She was probably late as all hell, and there was a major meeting between the important members of RAVEN and DOVE. As much as she was passionate about helping people, there was a point where she couldn't muster up the same passion. At least, not anymore. Even waking herself up every morning to head to work was a challenge. Personally, she'd prefer to be spending time with Lijuan, or trying to figure out just [i]what[/i] she's fighting for. Shaking her head, she walked through the halls of the Headquarters. Renovations were finished, and the place looked different... definitely a breath of fresh air from the old drab government interior she was used to. Holding files tightly in hand, she made it to the meeting room. She placed her hand on the knob, and briefly paused for a moment as she tried to gather the motivation. But, she did what she was doing for three years now. "... Hey, guys!" Meifeng said, catching eye of each and every one of her fellow RAVENs. Plenty of familiar faces, and people she didn't bother to get to know. "Sorry I'm late, traffic and all!" The meeting room was a large room, with the most notable feature being the large wooden table in the center of it. Surrounding it was chairs, and Maximilian Cornell himself sat on the end of the table. Meifeng looked at him, wearing one of his trademark suits. Though, Meifeng could see the age in his beard. He narrowed his eyes at Meifeng for a moment, he twisted up his face in a way that made Meifeng uncomfortable. "... You're late, Meifeng." Maximilian said. "Yeah, sorry," Meifeng rolled her eyes up into her head as she walked up. "Are we going to start this meeting, or what?" "Dana," Maximilian said, as the room went dark. The projector on the center of the table was turned on via remote. "I was [i]hoping[/i] agent Jean-Pierre would be back with what I [i]really[/i] want to discuss, but I believe that, for now, we'll discuss other matters." Meifeng leaned up against the wall, she wondered what Maximilian really wanted to talk about, but patience is a virtue. "Starting with ZODIAC, and our old friend the Hound... or Sovereign as he calls himself now." [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qJpiKJq.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][i]Okay, there isn't a lot of time. I really shouldn't have come back here, but there's lots of stuff I left behind...[/i] Veronica practically kicked down the doors to her apartment as she rushed in. The first thing she did was run over to a painting that she had up on the wall. She used her telekinesis to pull it down, and it revealed a safe that was quickly opened with the most steady hand that Veronica could muster. Inside was unmarked bills, and passports for people who don't exist. She telekinetically willed them into a bag. [i]I have plenty of time. RAVEN should have their hands full picking up the pieces, and it'll take what's left of the Family months before they realize I was responsible for the fall of their previous empire. But, I shouldn't overstay my welcome.[/i] Veronica walked into the bathroom, pulling a knife out of her outfit as she stared at herself in the mirror. [i]If I am going to survive, I need to ghost. It'll only be a matter of time before RAVEN puts out a warrant for me.[/i] She held the knife up in the air, gracing it against her face. [i]Veronica Davis was just one identity of many... I hate to ruin such a pretty face, but I need a new one.[/i] She shuddered for a moment, before she pierced her face with her blade. Running through her skin as she dragged the knife through her. [i]She can disappear... and in her place, there will be... "... Ms. Delacroix?"[/i] [/center] [hr][b][code]Hailey Boulevard, Silver Hills_[/code][/b][hr][hr] "... Ms. Delacroix, are you okay?" His voice broke her out of her reverie, and brought her back to the real world. She let out a quiet gasp, but caught herself as she looked around. She remembered that she was in her classroom... what was the room number again? Room 308. She had to remind herself that she was no longer Veronica Davis... ... But, Noelle Delacroix. Standing over her was a tall man that was in his mid-twenties. Obviously a Savior-Brat who's just enjoying that trust fund of his. She could just tell with that neat haircut that made him look cheeky, or that stupid designer outfit that made Noelle want to burn it. With him in it. "Yeeeah, I'm just a little light-headed," Noelle answered in a French accent as she put her hand on her head. "What can I get for you, Justin?" "Oh, do you know about that big DOVE event that's going down later on today?" Justin said. "No?" Noelle knew about it, but chose to keep her distance from RAVEN and DOVE. "It's going to be this big festival type thing where this jack-off from DOVE gives this speech about hope and whatever. My Dad's going to be there representing the Saviors, and making sure that nobody gets the wrong idea...." [i]Everything you damn own is from your father, stop acting so smug.[/i] Noelle thought to herself, but kept that smile on her face just to keep appearances. "Oh? That sounds lovely." "I was wondering if you'd come with me." Justin said, putting his hands on his sides. "It'd be great. Free food, and everything." Hmph. Noelle would had said no in any other situation, but she had a feeling a certain friend of hers would show up. That friend had the key for something she had planned. This spoiled Gorilla might be the perfect cover for her. Noelle smiled for real. "... I would love to!" Noelle said in a very bubbly tone as she hopped up to her feet. "Just give me some time to head home and get ready." Justin didn't say anything other than fist pump as Noelle walked off. He better not try not to "score" or something... that'd be the last mistake he ever made. She walked out of the university, and shook her head as she walked onto the streets. Hmph. Her car shouldn't be too far away. Life was hard for Noelle under her new identity. Even though she appeared to be happy, she wondered what was next. Should she slip up, all of her enemies would be all over her. She wouldn't have the disarray that came with the fall of the Family allowing her to easily ghost. An older woman bumped into her on the street, and she hollered something that Noelle ignored as she gave her a short "Sorry" and kept moving. Noelle had two enemies to worry about: What was left of the Family, and RAVEN. Remnants of the Family obviously made her more afraid than RAVEN. Because with RAVEN, she could at least blackmail her way out of it... but the Family wanted her head for her betrayal. And she sure as hell wasn't one of the tools that believed that they were [i]really[/i] over and done with. They're just lurking, waiting for their opportunity. Not many understood the scope of their organization (spanning continents). Noelle hoped that they forgot about her, and just focused on restoring their empire. She shook her head as she made it to her car, and was about to unlock it. When she froze... she thought on her actions for a moment. She wondered if she was really going through with this plan of hers. One that would ruin everything she worked hard to achieve, and force her into hiding again. ... But, she assured herself that, no matter the price, it would be worth it. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/skTh6iG.png[/img][hr][hider=Jidenna - Long Live the Chief][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_AQFnqMY3E[/youtube][/hider][hr][/center] [b][code]Greenflower Garden, Silver Hills_[/code][/b][hr][hr] A large and conspicuous white hummer blasted rap music as it tore down the streets. Inside of course was the fabulous Valos family... what was left of it. Jake Valos, wearing a black suit with a coat over it. having on his trademark designer glasses, and a pocketwatch which chain, sitting in the passenger seat. The much rougher looking Gabriela Valos in the backseat, wearing a leather jacket, and torn up jeans... with a very annoyed look on her face as she looked at the driver. And, finally, Jaska Valos, whom wore heavy clothing to hide his bestial features. The boy was a teenager, with very sharp teeth, and golden irises.... he was passed out asleep across from Gabe. Amazingly enough, given how loud the music was. In the driver's seat was the fabulous Johnny Valos, wearing a brown pinstriped suit, and a long-coat over top of it. A wide-brimmed hat with shark teeth, and whatnot. He was headbanging like no tomorrow, as he grooved down the streets of this rather empty part of Baybridge. All that he could see was wine country! He would love to party here! However, a certain occupant of the vehicle got tired of Johnny's antics. "... Could ya' turn that down, Johnny?!" Gabriela loudly shouted over the music, and caused Johnny to turn the music down. "Could ya' be anymore of a buzz-kill, Gabe?" Johnny retorted, as he raised an eyebrow up into the air at Gabe's rudeness. Gabe ignored that comment as she said, "Thank you..." She sighed as she leaned back. "But, I have a question..." "Shoot." Johnny said. "... Did we have to come here in the most obvious damn vehicle in the world?" Referring to the gigantic white hummer he drove all the way here. "I mean, style is swell and all, but aren't we supposed to be incognito?" "Pffffffft, Gabe," Johnny almost broke out in laughter. "We ain't got nobody on our asses, so why not enjoy a lil' style?" "Comin' from Mr. 'I have twelve gangs after me'..." Gabe trailed off. "You complain an awful lot, Gabe," Johnny snarked. "Learn to live a little." "I don't know, Johnny," Jake finally chimed in. "Maybe we should remember that, you know, we're here for [i]something important[/i]." "Yeah, yeah... our big mission to find our sisters, I know, I know..." "Then why aren't you acting like it?" Jake prodded Johnny. "It's okay if you take a break for the moment to ease your mind, you two..." Johnny rolled his eyes up into his head as they approached their destination, the Liu estate. "Besides, we here. Jake, did you phone up your girlfriend tellin' her that we're on our way?" "Yeah, she should be opening the-" The gates to the Liu estate opened, and Johnny drove the vehicle all the way to the front. They weren't planning on staying that long, so Johnny didn't bother parking the vehicle. He just left it on the steps as the Valos family got out of their vehicle. "Hey, Johnny..." Jake asked, "Forgot to ask, but what was this lead you had us chase all the way out here?" "Well... you're probably not gonna' like it, but..." Johnny looked off to the side towards Gabe. "... It's a member of the F-F." "What?!" Both Gabe and Jake said in unison. "Johnny, are you fucking insane?!" Jake shouted. "They're the ones that started this shit in the first place!" "I know, I know..." Johnny rolled his eyes, as he put his hand up. "But, they're the only god damn lead we have! Have you forgotten that we were literally walking around with our heads up our assess for three years now!?" Both Gabe and Jake went silent. "Look, our only reason for coming up to this dead ass, gay ass, [i]bitch ass[/i] city is to find Ivete, Camille, and..." "Sylvia." Gabe said, as she crossed her arms, she looked firm as ever. "Look, Johnny, are you sure we can trust this person?" "Nope, but I'm goin' in alone," Johnny said. "So, you three don't have to fall if-" "Okay, that is stupid as all hell," Gabriela was quick to say, "All you're going to do is get yourself killed, and we'll be down [i]another[/i] brother." They all took a moment in silence, before Johnny said. "Rest in peace, Joshua..." "But, that's just adding to my point, Johnny," Gabe narrowed her eyes at her older brother. "You need to discuss things with us before you start taking reins, before a moment there I [i]thought[/i] we had a legitimate lead." "Come on, guys," Johnny said, "I'm the leader of our little gang! It's been that way from the beginning!" "If anything," Gabe trailed off, "Jake should be the leader... Daddy left him the business." "He might have, but remember," Johnny grinned, "Neither of ya' have [i]any[/i] street smarts." Gabe groaned. "It's a disaster waiting to happen!" The door to the Liu estate opened, and stepping out, confused, was the daughter of Jiao-Long Liu, Lin Liu. Girlfriend of Jake Valos. She looked at everyone, before smiling, "Jake! You're here!" "Lin!" Jake said as he ran over to Lin, and hugged her. "It's so good to see you." "Sa-" Before Lin could even respond, Johnny said. "Hate to interrupt your touchy-feely moment here, Jakey," Johnny said, gesturing towards his watch. "But, we're on a tight schedule." Jake rolled his eyes. "Come in, we have much to discuss." Lin said, as the Valos family walked into the Liu estate. "... Huh?" Jaska awakened. "What did I miss?" [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/U5iaTPQ.png[/img][/center] [b][code]Hailey Boulevard, Silver Hills_[/code][/b][hr][hr] A cigarette was slid in between his lips, as Daniel Forsythe remembered that he "lost" his lighter (In actuality, a friend of his took it). With a subtle movement, Daniel reached into his pocket to pull out a "lighter." He covered it as if he had an actual lighter, when he merely used his pyrokinesis to light a cigarette. Ahhhhh... the bliss he receives from the almighty cigarette. It was almost enough to ease his mind about doing this. Almost. Daniel merely took a puff of smoke as he approached his "target," a woman who was walking bus stop, staring at her phone. Wearing one of the Savior Foundation uniforms. Hmph... she worked for the Saviors, yet she still takes the bus? What's the world come to? Daniel sighed as she got closer and closer to the bus stop. Damn it, he was almost too late for this. The second she gets to that damn bus stop, this will be a lot harder to pull off. So, Daniel had to get a little desperate. He looked to the left, and to the right... nobody was paying attention. Either busy trying to get to work, or were on the phone themselves. This was stupid to pull in "Savior territory," as many would call it, but Daniel pointed his left finger at the woman's shoe - heels. He fired a thin beam of ice at her foot, which encased it in ice in a few moments. The woman loudly shouted as she tripped. "... Ma'am!" Daniel shouted as he ran over to her, fortunately he was already close. Daniel, using his quick fingers, snatched the phone she was using while she was dazed. "Are you okay?!" He asked as he put the phone in his pocket. "Y-yeah." The brown-haired woman said, as she looked back to see what made her fall, only to see nothing. Not a single trace. Daniel's handiwork. He sweat bullets as he hoped she would fall for it. If not, he had a lot of running ahead of him. Daniel helped her to her feet, as she said, "Where's my phone?" That was what Daniel hoped she wouldn't say, but he had to play it off. He looked around, as he tried to convince her he looked for it. "I don't see it," Daniel said, "Do you need me to call for help, or will you be fine?" "I need to find my phone, but I'll be fine," The woman said. "Are you sure?" Daniel asked. "Yeah... thank you, though, I really wished there were more kids like you out there." The woman said. "Thank you," Daniel said, as he finally escorted the woman to the bus stop. He made sure to break line of sight soon as possible. He dipped into an alleyway, and took apart the phone fast as he could. He took out the battery, and sighed in relief that everything went as planned. Then again, she was not that bright. If she was anyone important, she would had questioned Daniel by now. Unfortunately, Daniel was walking away. Ready to meet his friend now that he netted her results. [i]Mr. Cornell is going to kill me...[/i] [hr][b][code]Stonecliff, Silver Hills_[/code][/b] Before she even thought to question Daniel, he was already in Stonecliff. A completely different part of the city, but it certainly lacks the amount of Savior control. Now, his friend told him to meet him.... Daniel glanced at his cellphone for a moment, as he rode his bicycle. According to the GPS... he was here. An abandoned car dealership. Oh, he had to give it to her. She definitely knew how to pick a meeting place. Daniel noticed that the lock around the gate was already broken, and merely pushed inside. He left the bicycle at the side of the building, as he also noticed the door was broken down. Huh. As he stepped inside, he was exposed to the dirty, murky, air of an abandoned building. He could just feel the dust entering his lungs.... Then he saw his friend sitting on the desk, enjoying a lolipop. The girl with the dyed red hair looked at him... Daniel pulled the woman's cellphone out his pocket, and the girl smiled a mile wide. "Fuck yes! Thank you, Daniel!" The girl said as she skipped over to Daniel, and unexpectedly hugged him. He gasped... before she pushed off him. Smiling cheekily as he held the phone in the air. "Know how long I've been lookin' for something like this? Too fuckin' long!" The girl loudly said. "... What is it?" Daniel asked, an eyebrow raised. "You know who that bitch is?" The girl asked, only to get a shrug from Daniel. "Some fuckin' scientist in the Family, I don't know. She probably knows somefuck that knows something!" "Oh." Daniel said. "So we finally have a lead?" "Fuck yes!" The girl said. "I just need to phone up my hacker-" "I wouldn't get your hopes up," Daniel said. "We aren't certain, yet..." "I know, I know..." The redhaired said, "But, it's been months, and we haven't gotten jackshit. This could be our god damn breakthrough!" She looked at the phone. "In the meantime, just go do something while mama gets to work." "There's a DOVE rally going on today want to go with me?" Daniel asked, and the girl's face went red as she stared at him. "You mean like... um, no, I have shit to do," The girl answered, flustered. "And... I'm not in the mood to hear some dipshit in a suit jack off about peace and love for an hour straight. But... maybe next time, Danny-boy." "Yeah... later..." Daniel said, disappointed as he walked out. He wondered what he was going to do next. [i]"Penny."[/i]