It was cold. Not that she could feel it. Not that it mattered in that way. It was the fact it was cold and she couldn't feel it. There was a longing like a kid the day after xmas. It was a faint memory on how cold felt. She stood there on the corner no money or id. She watched for days on how things worked. Being self taught did something for her. She learned quicker then others and it was like the way kittens know words when their born or birds fly. The hard way. It wasn't long before her vigilance paid in dividends the way it always did. She learned the words and what they meant. Jane would pick up the accents and how to use them as easy as she found a name. She didn't need money or food. Jane needed means to an end. She found refuge from the American need to keep the 13th floor vacant in most buildings. Working in the edge of normalcy she gathered money and bought false identities. The public libraries became her new room. The computer screen became her picture wall. She learned more day by day. With in a year she was self taught to do most things people take for granted. You tube helped her read and write. The internet taught her to drive manual/automatic cars, trucks, boats and bikes. She learned about society and where to find those responsible. The ones that were her wardens. How every needle she felt would be returned. Every shock they gave her would be amplified in her wake. She would turn their dreams and hopes to dust in their mouths. The fists at her side clenched tight as the air made that sound you hear near high voltage power lines. Jane was going to find them all in their dark holes and drag them into her light. After all when you don't sleep all you have is time.