[center][color=a187be][h1] Allison Revel[/h1][/color][img]http://i.imgur.com/qYQfQN4.gif[/img][/center] How long had Allison been laying there? Minutes, hours, days? Was the fight over? Did they win? Did it even matter? Time passed slowly, Allison focusing on the sound of her own shallow breathing. Her focus was broken when a message blared from her cuff. It was over, a healer was coming, and they had won. [color=a187be]'Was it worth it?'[/color] Allison didn't know the answer to her own question. Suddenly, Allison's injury began to feel tight. The remnants of the table leg were removed from her eye in an instant, allowing her to close her eye. She kept it closed as it healed, trying to keep her mind off of the odd feeling of her eye regenerating. Allison attempted to pick herself up, but was thankful when she was lifted into a stretcher. Before she knew it, she was being lowered into a cot back in the observation room. That game was a massacre, exactly what Allison was trying to prevent. She could've stopped it. If they had just given up, no one would have gotten hurt. Why did she even fight? She wasn't really interested in the prize. She fought. She allowed this to happen. She didn't need the victory. She didn't need the prize. She wanted to prevent suffering. [color=a187be]'I'm a good person, right? At least I try to be.'[/color] [color=a187be]'Absolute 9: Good people don't exist.'[/color] Allison's mind fluttered to the little brown notebook that still resided in her room. She had crossed that one out some time ago, as if ignoring it would make it any less true. She was always an optimist... Why did she do it, then? Why did she fight? Why did she jump down to fight the other team? Some messed up sense of justice, or something more petty? Revenge? Her stigma? That seemed to be most likely, her stigma. [color=a187be]'Absolute 2: People are selfish'[/color] That's all it was, selfishness. Allison prioritized herself over others, and because of that, she ended up with a table leg in her eye. Selfish and horrible, just like everyone else. Allison eventually pushed herself into a sitting position, legs hanging from the cot. She realized that she had yet to open her eye since it had been healed. She slowly willed her eye to open, her vision in that eye returning as clear as ever. She got her vision back as quickly as she had lost it. Her hands crept up to her face, feeling around the now healed eye, brushing over the drying blood and other liquid that had once been inside her eye. Allison was sure she looked like an awful mess. Allison's self inspection was interrupted by someone calling to her. Ernie, the guy who had stabbed her in the eye. [color=00a99d]"Sorry about your eye. I got the wrong person."[/color] His words did nothing to console the girl, in fact, his insincere statement made Allison more angry than his actions had. She could forgive the attack, at least somewhat, as it was her fault for going after them, but for Ernie to so nonchalantly state that he meant to stab someone else in the eye... Allison was ready to yell at the boy, but stopped herself, remembering the rest of the battle. Sure, she could call Ernie a monster and a horrible person, but that wouldn't change anything. Besides, just about everyone else committed a similar action. Were they all as remorseless as Ernie, though? Allison hoped not. [color=a187be]"You still stabbed me in the eye."[/color] Allison spoke coldly to him before quickly turning away from him. Allison tried to get Ernie out of her mind, staring at the floor. She was still wearing Brent's shoes. She looked around for the boy who had struck down Hazel, finding him calling out to Lawrence. She removed Brent's shoes, and stood up, though she seemed to be quite shaky. She grabbed the shoes, and walked over to Brent as quickly as she could, dropped the shoes in front of him. [color=a187be]"Sorry about borrowing your shoes, Brent."[/color] She said meekly as she walked away, towards the bathroom. She needed to wash the blood off of her face. [@ERode][@banjoanjo]