As the river boat stopped Clayton took a deep breath, he wasn't a particularly nervous person but riding on a boat that wasn't being driven by his father made him feel a little strange. The river air made him feel at ease though. He headed toward the boarding ramp to get off. The other students that had arrived by boat weren't that noisy, they might have felt a little strange as well considering most of them are from regions besides Orre. Clayton barely had to use his own feet as he was practically shoved off the boat, despite the anxious students the people were getting off fairly slow. Once off the boat Clayton relieved Raider from his Pokéball quarters, the Piloswine yawned as he was released. "I miss the days where you were a little more eccentric..." He murmured, Piloswine grunted and stretched his stubby legs. He then started to race around Clayton, "Okay, okay! Chill out!" He chuckled as Piloswine snorted in defiance. Clayton walked through the doors of the training academy, [I]I wonder if Steven Stone will set some ground rules...[/I] he wondered. It wasn't too strange of him to break rules by doing something stupid because of a dare, but why would he bother backing down? He puttered over to the orientation sheet, supposing he might as well go there to check out what classes were, all students received newsletters informing them on such things but Clayton couldn't recall the exact classes. He picked up one of the sheets, there was orientation but would Mr.Stone be there? He didn't bother worrying. He read it was at eight so he whipped out his PDA (Pokémon Digital Assistant) and checked the time, seven fifty. His eyes slightly widened and he followed any signs he could see until it lead to the orientation hall/classroom. He looked behind him to see Raider right on his tail, he smiled and walked into the hall.